300 G. Botton
in steradians) is the key parameter determining how effective the
system collects emitted X-rays. For optimal solid angle, the detector
normal is in direct line of sight to the emission point and not tilted
away from it. Typical solid angles in current AEM are 0.13 sr but with
combinations of large detector areas and effective coupling with the
microscope specimen area, solid angles in the order of 0.3 sr have been
achieved. For Ω = 0.13 sr the fraction of collected X-rays with respect to
the full emission solid angle is only 1%! The detection of X-rays is
therefore a very ineffi cient process considering that the X-ray emission
is fully isotropic.
The elevation angle (also known as the “take-off” angle in the litera-
ture) is an important parameter affecting the quantifi cation of data
through the absorption correction and the quality of the spectra. A
large elevation angle minimizes the path length of X-rays into the
sample (see the quantifi cation section) and also reduces the continuum
background emission, which is forward peaked. High detector eleva-
tion angles, however, are impractical in the TEM due to the fact that
the detector would need to be above or within the objective lens at a
large distance from the sample, resulting in even lower collection effi -
ciency. In addition, backscattered electrons have direct sight to the
detector and can cause signifi cant contributions and potential damage
to the detector. Lower elevation angles (0–20°) allow larger solid angles
and lead to an effective shielding of the backscattered electrons by the
objective lens magnetic fi elds. This shielding is not as effective for high
elevation angles.
The interest in large solid angles and the proximity of the detector
to the sample lead to signifi cant drawbacks in terms of spurious signal
collection. The fi eld of view of the detector is much larger than the
sample area and X-rays generated by backscattered electrons or by
fl uorescence of hard X-rays generated in upper parts of the illumina-
tion area of the microscope easily enter into the detector (see Section
7.2). High-e nergy backscattered electrons can also enter the detector
and generate additional secondary electrons/X-rays while low-energy
electrons would spiral away from the detector due to the high magnetic
fi eld of the objective lens or the presence of a magnetic trap in the
detector system (Figure 4–19). To reduce these effects, detectors are
equipped with collimators that limit the fi eld of view to the smallest
possible area, thus preventing hard X-rays generated in the illumina-
tion system from directly hitting the detector, and contain baffl es that
reduce the effects of potential incident backscattered electrons that
might enter the collimation system.
Many other contributions arising from stray electrons hitting the
microscope components such as apertures, cold traps, the polepieces,
etc. lead to increased noncharacteristic signals resulting in weak detec-
tion limits. As demonstrated in the work of Nicholson et al. (1982),
many of these contributions can be reduced by improving the micro-
scope and detector chamber using coatings to cover the microscope
components with low atomic number materials and by improving the
collimation system. These effects can be minimized in systems using
the precautions discussed in Section 7.2.