Chapter 4 Analytical Electron Microscopy 321
3.4 Calculations of Cross Sections
Quantifi cation of EELS and EDXS spectra based on signals recorded
from edges and X-ray peaks (Section 4) is based on the knowledge of
cross sections. For inner shell excitations in EELS (and the related EDXS
peaks) it is assumed, as a fi rst approximation, that the initial and fi nal
wavefunctions are not affected by collective electron behavior and the
cross sections can be calculated using various models based either on
the simple hydrogenic description of the atomic electrons or the more
accurate Hartree–Slater method. For an atom of atomic number Z, the
hydrogenic model uses the simplifi cation of the electrostatic potential
arising from the treatment of the nuclear charge Ze and the screening
due to remaining inner nonexcited electrons. Different expressions of
the effective charges are used for K and L shells and consideration is
given to the presence of outer electrons in higher energy levels that
modify the binding energy of the inner shell electrons. Solving the
Schrödinger equation in the revised simplifi ed potential leads to ana-
lytical solutions that can be easily calculated for K shells using pro-
grams developed by Egerton (1996). The treatment of L shells, although
initially unsuccessful due to the simplifi cations of the hydrogenic
model, was revised by considering experimental optical and energy
loss data with built-in corrections. These modifi cations have led to
improved accuracy in the treatment of L shells for transition metals;
programs and models for L shells are also available (Egerton, 1996) in
the literature and in commercial EELS analysis programs (the Digital
Micrograph software from Gatan). Empirical modifi cations of the
hydrogenic models for M edges have also been developed (Luo &
Zeitler, 1991). The Hartree–Slater (HS) approach requires iterative solu-
tions that lead to more accurate cross sections that consider a potential
calculated based on the charge density of the electrons in a self-
consistent manner. Cross section tabulations have been developed by
Leapman et al. (1980) and Rez (1982) and the results have been imple-
mented within commercial EELS analysis software for K, L, and M
shells within Digital Micrograph. The HS model predicts more realistic
shapes of edges and includes corrections for sharp features related to
unoccupied bound states present on transition metal L edges. Recent
developments allow the combination of solid-state effects near the edge
threshold, calculated from band structure techniques, with the atomic
models at higher energy losses into more accurate cross section models
(Potapov et al., 2004).
3.4.1 Angular and Energy Dependence of the GOS
Some physical insight into the scattering process is given by the analy-
sis of the angular and energy dependence of the GOS df(q,E)/dE, known
as the Bethe surface, as plotted for the C K edge (Figure 4–41a). This
plot also provides information related to the optimization of the acqui-
sition conditions as it shows the dependence of the differential cross
section on angle and energy loss. There are two regions of key impor-
tance on the Bethe surface. At energy losses just above the threshold,
the distribution is peaked at small scattering angles (θ = 0, q → 0) and
the angular dependence in the cross section d
σ/dΩdE is controlled by