NonlinearBook10pt November 20, 2007
canceled as in state or outpu t feedback linearization techn iques. Using this
framework, the control sys tem designer has a significant amount of freedom
in designing the controller to address specific performance objectives w hile
guaranteeing closed-loop stability.
In [126,127] optimal pointwise min-norm state tracking controllers are
obtained for feedback linearizable systems by computing pointwise solutions
of a s tatic quadratic programming problem. A trade-off between control
effort and tracking error is automatically taken into account in designing
these controllers. The optimality of this control design method relies on
the fact that every Lyapunov function solves the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman
equation associated with a cost functional. However, this theory does
not present a natural extension to the larger class of systems for which
recursive b ackstepping is applicable. In p articular, it is noted in [247] that
for recursive control s chemes such as backstepping, optimization of partial
cost functionals at each step will by no means result in overall optimization.
Backstepping does, however, utilize a Lyapunov function for the overall
system based on stabilizing fu nctions (virtual controls) which are defined
at each recursion step. This Lyapunov function can be used to derive a
performance criterion for which the overall control, consisting of the control
law obtained at the final and intermediate steps, is optimal.
In this chapter, we extend the optimality-based n onlinear control fra-
mework developed in Chapter 8 to cascade and block cascade systems for
which the backstepping control design methodology is applicable. The key
motivation for developing an optimal and inverse optimal nonlinear back-
stepping control theory is that it provides a family of candidate backstepping
controllers parameterized by the cost functional that is minimized. In order
to ad dress the optimality-based backstepping nonlinear control problem
we use the nonlinear-nonquadratic optimal control framework developed in
Chapter 8 to show that a particular controller derived via backstepping
methods corresponds to the solution of an optimal control problem that
minimizes an inverse nonlinear-nonquadratic performance criterion. This is
accomplished by choosing the controller such that th e Lyapunov derivative is
negative along the closed-loop system trajectories while pr oviding suffi cient
conditions for the existence of asymptotically stabilizing solutions to the
Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation. Thus, our results allow us to derive
globally asymptotically stabilizing backstepping controllers for nonlinear
systems that minimize a derived nonlinear-nonquadratic performance func-