NonlinearBook10pt November 20, 2007
control with a diagonal weighting matrix. Gain and phase margins of state
feedback linear-quadratic optimal regulators involving cross-weighting terms
in the quadratic performance criterion were obtained in [95]. Specifically,
the authors in [95] provide explicit connections between relative stability
margins and the selection of the state, control, and cross-weighting matrices.
However, unlike the standard linear-quadratic case, no sector margin
guarantees were shown in the linear-quadratic problem w ith cross-weighting
The problem of guaranteed sector margins for state feedback nonlinear-
nonquadratic inverse optimal regulators has also been considered in the
literature [127, 217, 320, 321]. Specifically, nonlinear Hamilton-Jacobi-
Bellman inverse optimal controllers th at minimize a meaningful (in the
terminology of [127, 395]) nonlinear-nonquadr atic performance criterion
involving a nonlinear-nonquadratic, nonnegative-definite function of the
state and a quadratic positive-definite function of the f eedback control are
shown to possess sector margin guarantees to component decoupled input
nonlinearities in the conic sector (
, ∞). These results h ave been recently
extended in [395] to disk margin guarantees where asymptotic stability of
the closed-loop system is guaranteed in the face of a dissipative dynamic
input operator.
In the remainder of this chapter we derive stability margins for the
optimal and inverse optimal n onlinear regulators presented in Sections 8.3
and 8.4. Specifically, gain, sector, and disk margin guarantees are obtained
for nonlinear dynamical systems controlled by nonlinear optimal and inverse
optimal Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman controllers that minimize a nonlinear-
nonquadratic performance criterion with cross-weighting terms. In the case
where the cross-weighting term in the performance criterion is deleted our
results recover the gain, sector, and disk margins of [395]. Alternatively,
retaining the cross-terms in the performance criterion an d specializing the
nonlinear-nonquadratic problem to a linear-quadratic problem our results
recover the gain and phase margins of [95]. Finally, we note that even though
the inclusion of cross-weighting terms in the performance criterion is shown
to degrade gain, sector, and disk margins, the extra flexibility provided by
the cross-weighting terms makes it possible to guarantee optimal and inverse
optimal nonlinear controllers th at may be far superior in terms of transient
performance over meaningful inverse optimal controllers.
In this section, we start by deriving guaranteed gain, sector, and disk
margins for nonlinear optimal and inverse optimal regulators that minimize
a nonlinear-nonquadratic performance criterion. Specifically, sufficient
conditions that guarantee gain, sector, and disk margins are given in terms
of the state, control, and cross-weighting nonlinear-nonquadratic weighting