NonlinearBook10pt November 20, 2007
12.4 Robust Optimal Control for Nonlinear Systems via Parameter-
Dependent Lyapunov Functions 743
12.5 Robust Control for Nonlinear Uncertain Affine Systems 748
12.6 Robust Nonlinear Controllers with Polynomial Performance
Criteria 750
12.7 Robust Nonlinear Controllers with Multilinear Performance
Criteria 754
12.8 Problems 755
12.9 Notes and R eferences 760
Chapter 13. Stability and Dissipativity Theory for Discrete-Time
Nonlinear Dynamical Systems 763
13.1 Introduction 763
13.2 Discrete-Time Lyapunov Stability Theory 763
13.3 Discrete-Time Invariant Set Stabili ty Theorems 768
13.4 Converse Lyapunov Theorems for Discrete-Time Systems 772
13.5 Partial Stability of Discrete-Time Nonlinear Dynamical
Systems 776
13.6 Stability Theory for Discrete-Time Nonlinear Time-Varying
Systems 783
13.7 Lagrange Stabili ty, Boundedness, and Ultimate B oundedness 786
13.8 Stability Theory via Vector Lyapunov Functions 792
13.9 Dissipative and Geometrically Dissipative Discrete-Time
Dynamical Systems 798
13.10 Extended Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov Conditions for
Discrete-Time Dynami cal Systems 807
13.11 Linearization of Dissipative Dynamical Systems 814
13.12 Positive Real and Bounded Real Discrete-Time Dynamical
Systems 816
13.13 Feedback Interconnections of Dissi pative Dynamical Sy stems 825
13.14 Stability Margins of Discrete Regulators 830
13.15 Control Lyapunov Functions for Discrete-Time Systems 832
13.16 Problems 834
13.17 Notes and References 843
Chapter 14. Discrete-Time Optimal Nonlinear Feedback Control 845
14.1 Introduction 845
14.2 Optimal Control a nd the Bellman Equation 846
14.3 Stability Analysis of Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems 849
14.4 Optimal Discrete-Time Nonlinear Control 856
14.5 Inverse Optimal Control for Nonlinear Affine Systems 860
14.6 Gain, Sector, and Disk M argins of Dis crete-Time Optimal
Regulators 863
14.7 Linear-Quadratic Optimal Regulators 866