VLF (see very low frequency)
vocation, religious 462
volatiles 89
–, basalt 72
–, tephra 253
–, active 959
–, extinct 959
–, linear chain 959
volcano-electromagnetic effects 984
–, AC 920
–, amplitude 920
volume 931
–, expansion coefficient 92
–, magnetization 875
–, susceptibility 25
von Bellingshausen, Baron 989
von Humboldt, Alexander 358
von Lamont, Johann 729
Voronoi cell 26
vortex 170, 172
–, absolute 75
–, equation 75
–, potential 840, 852
–, relative 75
Vostoks 359
VPM (see vector proton magnetometer)
Vredefort meteorite impact crater 799
VRM (see viscous remanent magnetization)
VSM (see vibrating sample magnetometer)
VTI (see vertical transverse isotropy)
wadsleyite 685, 687
Wallis, Samuel 989
Walton-Middleton-Schmidt contour 627
–, inertial interchange true polar
(IITPW) 966
–, polar 504, 959, 965
–, true polar (TPW) 956, 959
warming, climatic 669
Watheroo Observatory 43, 717, 807
Watkins, Norman David 992
–, acoustic 398
–, ageostrophic 651
–, air 233
–, Alfvén 746
–, velocity 334
–, Bloch 201
–, body 82
–, dynamo 161
–, extremely low-frequency (ELF) 700
–, fast 651
–, frequency 651
–, gravitational 398
–, gravity 364
–, inertial 365, 633, 647, 843
–, inertio-gravity 364
–, ion-cyclotron 333
–, Lehnert 651
–, magnetic 118, 994
wave Contd.
–, magnetic Archimedean Coriolis (MAC) 87,
298, 348, 632, 652
–, bifurcation 653
–, buoyancy-driven 635
–, diffusive 635
–, instability 651
–, magnetohydrodynamic 333, 632
–, dispersion relations 632
–, MC- 124
–, number 76
–, domain centroid method 143
–, P- 147
–, PKIKP 125, 424
–, PKKP 125, 126
–, PKP 210
–, planetary 994
–, propagation 147
–, radio 452
–, Rossby 75, 124, 136, 432,
852, 994
–, buoyancy-driven magneto 635
–, thermal 75
–, S- 147
–, shear splitting 147
–, SKS 210
–, slow 651
–, surface 334
–, torsional 650
–, ultralow frequency (ULF) plasma 333
–, upstream 333
waveform 768, 770
–, analysis 768
–, recurring 774
–, vector 768
wavefront 147
–, de Broglie 215
–, repeat 200
–, short 664
wavelet analysis 355
wavenumber 897
–, domain method 856
wavespeed, seismic 209
weak field
–, state 652
–, TRM 499
weathering 794
Weber, Wilhelm E. 278, 280, 359, 403,
679, 729
–, instruments 436
Wegener Medal 888
Weiss constant 932
Wellen Observatory 738
Wellington, Duke of 890
Welsh, John 720
Wenner array 229
Werner deconvolution 263
West Fault, Chile 413
western boundary current 853
westward drift 347, 993
wetting angle 687
whales 782
whistler 698
–, tone 700
Whiston, William 676
white noise 928
Widmanstatten pattern 796
Wiechert, Emil 743
–, law 116, 120, 205
–, ratio 109
Wien Auhof Observatory 728
Wiener filter 857
–, convention 413
–, vector 867
Wigner 3-j coefficients 386
Wilcke, Johann Karl 358
Wilhelmshaven Observatory 729
Wilkes Observatory 717
Wilkes, Charles 989
–, magnetic 174, 946
–, polar 657
–, solar 60, 318, 333, 505, 657, 658, 864,
926, 927
–, plasma 657
–, thermal 76, 174, 304, 648, 945
window, sliding 338
Wingst Observatory 714, 729
wire heating 690
Witteveen Observatory 725
WMM (see World Magnetic Model)
WMS (see World Magnetic Survey)
–, Chandler 363
–, Markowitz 363, 426
Woelfersheimer Lake 228
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
236, 981
World Data Center 44, 407, 512, 728
World Magnetic Model (WMM) 359,
676, 850
World Magnetic Survey (WMS) 43, 56, 57,
274, 359, 411
Wright, Edward 674, 707, 988
Wuhan Observatory 728
Xingtai Earthquake 728
X-ray theory 369
Yakutsk Observatory 738
Yamato 7038 799
Yamato chondrite 798
Yorktown 890
Yunnan province 821
Z transfer function 310
Z/H-method 697
ZAMG (see Central Institute of Meteorology and
Zarya, RV 59, 359, 990
–, frequency 712
–, splitting 506
zenith 67
zeta potential 985
Zhejiang province 821
INDEX 1053