–, dynamo 162
–, mechanism 196
Alpine Fault 246
Alpine-Himalayan Belt 802
–, Anatolian sector 803
–, aqueous 796
–, chemical 37, 490, 583, 785
–, diagenetic 258
–, hydrothermal 597
–, low-temperature 584
–, zone 253
–, mineralogical 512–514
–, phase 79
–, postdepositional diagenetic 253
–, process 979
–, severe 695
–, thermal 911
–, thermochemical 575
alternating field (AF) 759, 910
–, demagnetization 498, 759, 873, 884, 943
–, spectra 577
–, gradient field magnetometer (AGFM) 877
–, gradient magnetometer (AGM) 655
Altiplano 244
altitude, orbital 60
Altyn Tagh mountain range 819
aluminum–26 90, 854
Amberley Observatory 735
am-index 719
ammonite 665
AMO (see automatic magnetic observatory)
Ampère, André Marie 358
–, law 114, 287, 347, 640
amphiboles 932
amphidrome effect 65
amplitude 67, 977
–, compass 67
AMR (see anisotropy of magnetic remanence)
AMS (see anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility)
Amsterdam Island 993
AMT (see audiomagnetotellurics)
AMTM60 500
Amundsen, Roald 990
amygdalohippocampectomy 50
–, biostratigraphic 993
–, dimensional 297
–, Fourier 351
–, harmonic 921
–, least squares 86, 356, 359
–, linearized resolution 222
–, periodogram 353
–, principal component 45, 46, 845, 848
–, resolution 84
–, skewness 962
–, spectral 122, 770
–, spherical harmonic 280
–, thermomagnetic 755
–, time series 766
–, waveform 768
–, wavelet 355
analytic signal method 142
Anatolian plate 803
Ancón Observatory 734
Andes 243
anelastic approximation 11
angle, Euler 393
–, momentum 130, 135
–, exchange 469
–, oceanic 469
–, operator 388
–, vector 956
–, standard deviation (ASD) 894
anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM)
527, 535, 572, 759, 910, 943
–, acquisition curve 574
–, partial 528, 590
–, spurious 573
–, susceptibility 528, 572
animal navigation 48
animists 870
anisometry, intergranular 554
anisotropy 427, 546, 560, 564, 589, 618, 799,
846, 871
–, bulk conductivity 20
–, conductive 219, 222
–, constant 621
–, corrected 476
–, crystalline 493, 618
–, uniaxial 492
–, cylindrical 419
–, degree 561, 937
–, electrical 20, 671
–, ellipsoid 536
–, energy 492, 872, 874
–, exchange 548
–, factor 20
–, intrinsic 20
–, macroscopic 20
–, magnetic 535, 871
–, bulk 590
–, susceptibility 514
–, magnetocrystalline 454, 491, 492,
515–517, 537, 546, 548, 566, 614,
872, 873
–, magnetostrictive, axis 872
–, mechanisms 146
–, media 146
–, multiaxial 590
–, of anhysteretic remanent magnetization
(AARM) 477, 577
–, ellipsoid 538
–, of anhysteretic susceptibility (AAS) 536
–, of isothermal remanent magnetization
(AIRM) 537
–, of magnetic remanence (AMR) 535
–, of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) 475, 535
–, carrier 557
–, ellipsoid 476, 538, 547, 553, 555
–, low field 937
–, -to-strain relationship 556
–, remanent 536
–, seismic 146
–, shape 546
–, source 564
–, stress 491
–, stress-induced 548
–, susceptibility 799
–, S-wave 148
–, uniaxial 500, 572, 590, 881
annihilator 888, 889
–, magnetic 481
annual variation 308, 816
annulus model 76, 125
anomaly 772, 773
–, attenuation 143
–, Bangui 39
–, Bouguer 39, 504
–, Br- 774
–, Brunhes central 542
–, conductivity 20, 131
–, latitude 961
–, local 676
–, magnetic 140, 143, 320, 477, 888
–, compilation 478
–, correlation with gravity anomaly 856
–, definition 478
–, field 543
–, inversion nonuniqueness 488
–, long wavelength 481
–, low amplitude 666
–, marine 324, 328, 336, 483, 665,
779, 962
–, modeling 485
–, short wavelength 982
–, skewness 857
–, stripe 478
–, vertical intensity 857
–, mapping 478
–, North German 412
–, resistive 309
–, resistivity 235
anorthosite 629
Anson, George 989
Antananarive Observatory 461
–, expedition 696
–, ice surface 696
–, meteorite collections 795
–, plate 960
Antarctica 359, 376, 792, 962
anthropogenic 253
antidynamo theorem 137, 163, 173, 176, 192,
468, 643
antiferromagnet 590
antiferromagnetic 513, 871, 932
–, spin 874
antiferromagnetism 519, 525, 700
AO index 511, 512
apatite 931
Apia 43
–, Observatory 735, 736
APM (see absolute plate motion)
Apollo 788
–, exploration 440
–, samples 788
–, phases 221
–, polar wander path (APWP) 777, 779, 802,
840, 956, 959, 960
–, resistivities 221, 869
application, paleomagnetic 256
–, 2½-dimensional 293
–, bootstrap 608
–, least-squares 284
–, Monte Carlo 608
1014 INDEX