insulation, thermal 885
insurance, mathematics 280
–, Elsasser 86
–, Gaunt 86
integration, thermodynamic 99
intensity 589
–, absolute 890
–, Gauss determination 278
–, magnetic 601
–, dipolar 541
–, electrostatic 579
–, exchange 872
–, magnetostatic 268, 574, 872
–, inter-grain 268
–, parameter 649
interbedding 233
interferometry, very long baseline (VLBI)
426, 469
INTERMAGNET (see International
Real-time Magnetic Observatory
International Association of Geomagnetism
and Aeronomy (IAGA) 407
International Association of Terrestrial
Magnetism and Electricity (IATME) 407
International Council of Scientific Unions 407
International Decade of Geopotential Research
711, 743
International Equatorial Electrojet Year
(IEEY) 408
International Geodetic and Geophysical
Union 407
International Geological Congress 568
International Geomagnetic Reference Field
(IGRF) 411
International Geophysical Year (IGY) 42,
61, 333, 461, 708, 717, 720,
807, 844
International Lithosphere Program (ILP) 408
International Meteorological Organization 407
International Polar Year (IPY) 359, 708, 723,
723–726, 736, 737, 844
–, First 407
–, Second 407
–, Third 407
International Quiet Sun Year 844
International Real-time Magnetic observatory
Network (INTERMAGNET) 711, 715
International Seismological Centre 209
International Service of Geomagnetic
Indices 512
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
(IUGG) 407, 902
–, coronal mass ejections (ICME) 404
–, field 829
–, magnetic field (IMF) 658, 676, 927
–, cooling 603
–, igneous 40
–, layered 141
–, fabric 514
–, modeling 142, 487
–, theory 467
–, constrained 221
–, helioseismic 508
–, Schmucker 220
investigation, geothermal 230
Io 203, 204, 439, 444
–, eccentricity 444
–, cyclotron wave 333
–, drift meter 59
–, propulsion unit 795
ionic conduction 685
ionization potential 33
ionosphere 60, 449, 452, 696
–, conductivity 317, 700, 814, 815
–, current system 812
–, dynamo theory 812
–, physics 61
IPY (see International Polar Year)
Ireland, magnetic survey 473
Irkutsk Observatory 737
IRM (see isothermal remanent magnetization)
iron 526, 618, 873
–, body-centered cubic (bcc) 367, 421, 691
–, carbonate and manganese 932
–, conductivity 116
–, epsilon 368
–, face-centered-cubic 421
–, ferromagnetic 789
–, formation 141
–, Kursk 141
–, heme 51
–, hexagonal close-packed (hcp) 367, 421,
691, 692
–, high pressure melting curve 693
–, hydrophosphate 521
–, melting temperature 98, 689, 692
–, metallic 526, 629, 788
–, meteorite 77, 796, 797
–, molten 313
–, oxide 248, 525
–, ferrimagnetic 23, 569
–, fine-grained 533
–, hydrous 519
–, paramagnetic 789
–, phase diagram 421, 691
–, silicate 522
–, alloy 916
–, storage 50
–, sulfide 249, 253, 454, 457, 520, 586, 786
–, authigenic 260, 783
–, fine-grained 533
–, greigite 455
–, superparamagnetic 623, 789
iron-nickel 618, 788
–, alloy 873
–, ordered phase 701
, phase 796
iron-titanium oxide 526, 583
irreducibility 378
Irtysh-Zaysan region 823
Irving, E. 887
isentropy 300
Ishtar Terra 446
Isidis impact basin 503
isochron analysis 836
isoclinics 358
isogonics 357, 676
isotherm, Curie 889
isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) 51,
455, 535, 572, 589, 596, 621, 668, 758,
760, 979
–, acquisition curve 979
–, anisotropy 536
–, component analysis 532
–, grain-size dependencea 536
–, normalization 790
–, saturation 536
–, triaxial 591
–, abundance 79
–, cosmogenic 161, 760
–, radioactive, short-lived 796
–, radiogenic 605
–, stratigraphy 320
isotropic point 500, 516
isotropy, vertical transverse 147, 155
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica (ING) 733
itabrite 40
iteration, Krylov 216
IUGG (see International Union of Geodesy and
Izu-Oshima volcano 986
jackknife method 870
jacobsite 526
Jaipur Observatory 732
Jamaica excursion 838
James, Thomas 988
Japanese lineation 330, 331
Jaramillo subchron 834, 837, 838
Jassy Observatory 728
Jeans, James 137
Jeffreys, Harold 468, 743
jerk, geomagnetic 88, 319
Jesuits 460
jet stream 294
Jiangsu province 821
John Adam Fleming Medal 274, 888
Jones, Thomas 435
–, dissipation 288
–, losses 641
Joy, law 506
Juan de Fuca Ridge 981
Juan de Fuca subduction zone 245
Junggar basin 817, 819
Jupiter 90, 203, 204, 207, 439, 446, 865
–, Galilean satellites 203
–, tilted dipole 206
Jurassic Quiet Zone 331, 664
Jurassic–Triassic boundary 928
K1 tide 816
Kakadu Observatory 710, 717
Kakioka Observatory 715, 733, 951
Kakioka Automatic Standard Magnetometer
(Kasmmer) 715
Kalliroscope flakes 842
kamacite 788, 796
INDEX 1031