repeat station 359, 719, 858
research, archeomagnetic 943
reservoir, hydrocarbon 72
resetting, thermal 603
resistive layer 72
–, apparent 222, 233, 277, 670, 869
–, bulk 245
–, core impurity 117
–, crustal 232
–, electrical 62, 92, 242, 985
–, marine sediment 232
–, seawater 231, 246
Resolute Observatory 710
–, analysis 84
–, linearized 222
–, subcellular 51
resonance, Schumann 308
resources 477
–, economic 223
–, exploration 477
–, geothermal 245
–, curve 233
–, DC resistivity 233
–, diamagnetic 60
–, electromagnetic 309
–, estimation 309
–, function 219, 308, 866
–, impulse 236
–, magnetic 540
–, step-on 233, 234
return stroke 592
Reunion Island 963, 993
Reunion subchron 834, 837, 838
reversal 835
–, behavior, changes 861
–, boundary 329
–, chronology, first-order 779
–, duration 326, 344
–, free decay model 860
–, frequency 133, 134, 320, 843, 929
–, variations 133
–, geomagnetic 161, 306, 335
–, archive 339
–, paths 134
–, rate 354
–, mechanism 859, 860
–, numerical simulation in 860
–, process 929
–, rate 337
–, statistics 199
–, successive 340
–, test 608
–, theory, 859
–, time scale 979
reverse polarity 313
Reykjanes Ridge 483
–, magnetic number 21, 101, 111, 8, 22, 85,
164, 171, 173, 176–178, 183
–186, 188,
190, 191, 194, 195, 200, 201, 205, 275,
288, 297, 299, 641–645, 652
–, rule 198, 199
–, stress 103, 181
–, tensor 17, 198
rhodochrosite 521, 932
Riddell, C.J.B. 436
–, magnetical instructions 436
–, mid-ocean 72, 208, 237, 446
–, basalt 80
–, regression 857
–, Reykjanes 483
–, slowly spreading 72
–, Valu Fa 237
Riga dynamo 184
rigidity modulus 92
–, coupled-dynamo (1958) 173
–, dynamo model 863
Rikitake, Tsuneji 862
ring current 160, 404, 657, 863
–, discovery 865
–, substorm-enhanced 334
–, variation 415
ringwoodite 685, 687
RM (see remanent magnetization)
Roberts number 120
–, magnetic 297
–, basaltic 993
–, conductivity
–, electrical 62, 69
–, solid 244
–, cratonic 62
–, extrusive 871
–, fabric 564
–, ferrimagnetic 480
–, hemo-ilmenitic 141
–, isotropic 872
–, lithology 480
–, magnetism 54, 139, 696, 701, 870, 874,
883, 942
–, magnetite-bearing 516, 614
–, magnetization 35
–, magnetometer, superconducting (SRM) 883
–, Martian 603
–, metamorphic 555
–, low-grade 555, 819
–, paramagnetic 480
–, plutonic 554, 629
–, pyrrhotite-bearing 537
–, sample 751
–, sedimentary 782
–, Tertiary 820
–, Triassic 993
–, ultramafic 597
–, VRM 629
Rodinia 819, 966
Rodrigues formula 385
Rogers, Woodes 989
Roggeveen, Jacob 989
–, convection 165, 901
–, tilted convection 190
Ross’ magnetic Antarctic survey 890
Ross, John 890, 989
Ross, Sir James Clark 359, 403, 717
Rossbank Observatory 717, 807
–, number 75, 291, 297, 299, 430, 940
–, magnetic 650
Rossby Contd.
–, modified 648
–, wave 75, 124, 136, 432, 852, 994
–, buoyancy-driven magneto 635
–, magnetic-Coriolis (MC) 633
–, thermal 75
rotating convection experiment 275
rotation 804
–, about an axis 389
–, axis 965
–, differential 118, 136, 164, 166, 189, 213,
294, 302, 859
–, diurnal 365
–, Earth 54, 471
–, inner core 294, 423
–, matrix 383
–, nonuniform 180
–, pole 956
–, rigid body 391
–, solar 353, 415
–, Sun 308
–, tectonic 806, 961
rotational remanent magnetization (RRM)
455, 456
rotor, spherical 171
roughening, operator 220
Royal Danish Academy of Sciences 376
Royal Danish Geodetic Institute 469
Royal Hungarian Meteorological
Institute 728
Royal Irish Academy 474
Royal medal 61
Royal Meteorological Society 888
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and
Sciences 887
Royal Observatory at Greenwich 990
Royal Radar Establishment 887
Royal School of Mines 742
Royal Society 357, 887
Royal Society of New South Wales 887
RRM (see rotational remanent magnetization)
rubidium magnetometer 714
ruby fluorescence 690
Runcorn theorem 791, 888
Runcorn, S. Keith 886, 887
Russian Academy of Science 738
Russian Hydrometeorological Service 738
RV Chain 993
RV Trident 993
RX coil 955
Sabhawala Observatory 732
Sabine, Edward 890
Sable Island Observatory 721
SAC-C 60, 892
Safegarde of Saylers, or, Great Rutter 707
–, direction 66
–, instruction 356
–, aquifer 224
–, fluid 244
–, dredged 597
–, drilled 597
–, lunar 788
INDEX 1045