primary field is switched off and measurements made. The rapid
termination of the primary field in the TX causes Eddy current s to
be produced in the subsurface, and the associated secondary field is
measured on the surface using a detector (RX) coil (Figure T10). RX
may be a small multiturn coil (about 1m diameter) or a relatively large
loop. The decaying transient signal is sampled at various time gates to
yield a sounding curve. The transient signal can last from a few micro-
seconds to several hundreds of millisecond, and an observational
bandwidth of about 0.005–30 ms is desirable for near-surface investi-
gations (10–400 m). The character of the transient signal is a function
of the subsurface resistivity structure, with the shallow structure influ-
encing the TEM response at early times soon after TX turn-off and
measurement at increasing times allowing the deeper electrical struc-
ture to be interpreted. For shallow structure, TEM systems use high
base-frequencies (i.e., pulse repetition rates), small transmitter loops
(5–50 m), need only low power source (12 V battery), but in particular
requires a very rapid primary field turn-off (currently 1.5 ms). The
accuracy of the narrow early sampling times is also an important fac-
tor. For deeper structure, larger transmitter loops, higher power and of
course longer transient measuring times at the receiver are required.
There are a number of different configurations as regards the posi-
tion of the receiver relative to the transmitter (Figure T10). The recei-
ver can be located in the center of the TX loop (in-loop or central-loop
technique) or outside it (separated-loop or offset-loop arrangements).
In the single-loop or coincident-loop configuration, the TX loop serves
as the RX during transmitter-off times or both the TX and RX loops
are separate but coincident.
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Definitions and early views
The idea that polar wander (PW) must have occurred dates back to the
19th century. Geologists, paleontologists, and paleoclimatologists
suggested that the Earth’s equator must have been located far from
its present position in the distant geological past, at least viewed from
certain continents, given the present day locations of climatological
belts derived from certain types of rocks or fossil assemblages. Darwin
(1877) made the first attempt at quantitative modeling but this suffered
from several errors (see Steinberger and O’Connell, 2002, for an
analysis). In the early 1950s, paleomagnetists provided quantitative
evidence that the geographical latitudes of individual continents had
indeed changed with time, hence that the instantaneous geographic
or rotation pole had moved with respect to most continents. The paths
followed by the poles in the geological past were termed “apparent”
polar wander paths (or APWPs), because it was not clear whether it
was the pole or the continent that had moved. It would soon become
apparent that continents (more accurately tectonic plates) had moved
with respect to each other and that a significant part of APW was actu-
ally due to these relative motions. The question was: is there a remain-
ing fraction in polar wander, which would be a characteristic of “Earth
as a whole,” and which would not be accounted for by plate tectonics.
This fraction is what is generally called “true” polar wander (TPW).
TPW refers to the large scale motions of the Earth’s rotation axis
with respect to the “bulk silicate Earth” or “solid Earth” through geo-
logical time (rather than “Earth as a whole,” indeed, much of the core
is a fluid with small viscosity and the parts which will be important to
us in this article are the solid though slowly deforming mantle and
crust, i.e., the silicate earth; see below). External forces driving shorter-
term changes, such as precession, are not considered here. TPW could
result from centrifugal forces acting on mass anomalies distributed on
or inside the Earth: excess mass, for instance, will lead to slow defor-
mation of the Earth and change its rotation axis, causing the mass to
move towards the equator without being displaced with respect to
the solid Earth. The problem is to define precisely which part wanders
with respect to which reference frame in a deformable Earth. We seek
to identify the axis of rotation of a reference frame RF which is rele-
vant to the solid Earth relative to an inertial (or absolute astronomical)
frame of reference IFR (i.e., determined by the angular momentum
vector of Earth; see f.i. Steinberger and O’Connell, 2002). The refer-
ence frame RF can be selected as the one which has zero net rotation
when motions are integrated over the entire mantle, called the “mean
mantle” reference frame. Or one can define a “mean lithosphere”
frame, in which the lithospheric plates have no net rotation. Because
Figure T10 Basic set-up for TEM surveying. The ground is
inductively energized using a grounded wire or transmitter loop.
The electric or magnetic fields induced in a subsurface conductor
(s(r)) are systematically measured along survey lines using a
suitable detector coil.