theoretically, not least because the thermal state of the Earth does not
allow permanent magnetization at depth. With the advent of dynamo
theory, and the understanding that the magnetic field originates from
fluid motions in the molten iron core, the first “modern” theory of
westward drift was proposed by Bullard et al. (1950). They argued that
cooling of the Earth would lead to a pattern of large-scale convection
in the core. As a parcel of fluid rose, it would move further from the
Earth’s rotation axis. Therefore, to conserve angular momentum, the
angular velocity of the parcel would reduce. Similarly, a sinking fluid
parcel would reduce its moment arm, and so need to increase its angu-
lar velocity. Bullard et al. suggested that this would lead to a net east-
ward flow with respect to the solid Earth at the base of the core near
the inner core boundary, and westward flow at the core surface, which
if advection by flow dominates diffusion (the frozen-flux approxima-
tion (qv)) would then carry the magnetic field in a westerly direction,
giving rise to westward drift. While the basic physical ideas of this
theory are very attractive, modeling of rotating convection has shown
that the interaction of convection and rotation is much more compli-
cated, and this pleasingly simple explanation for the drift does not
work (although, interestingly, an eastward inner core rotation (qv)
has more recently been suggested both from numerical dynamo models
(qv) and seismological observations).
An alternative to Bullard’s mechanism was provided by Hide
(1966). While Bullard et al. had argued for an origin of westward drift
in large scale flow, Hide instead suggested that it could arise as a result
of wave motion. Magnetic waves called Alfvén waves (qv) were
known to be supported in a fluid penetrated by a magnetic field. Add-
ing the effect of rotation, additional families of diffusionless magneto-
hydrodynamic waves (qv) were shown to exist. Some have periods of
order days (similar to inertial waves), but others, named magnetic
Rossby waves or planetary waves, have much longer periods, for rea-
sonable estimates of the magnetic field strength perhaps 300 years.
Initial analysis based on propagation in a thin shell (similar to analysis
for the atmosphere) unfortunately suggested that these waves would
propagate eastward, not westward. Hide provided an intuitive argu-
ment, later confirmed by more detailed analysis, as to why in the core
(a thick shell) such waves would propagate westward instead. Further
examination has suggested that westward motion will dominate when
the toroidal magnetic field is stronger than the poloidal magnetic field,
as is thought to be the case within the core (Hide and Roberts, 1979).
However, such simple models, while attractive, can in no way
explain the full complexity of secular variation. Estimates of westward
drift obtained show considerable variation depending on just how it is
defined—should it involve a fit to the whole field, just the equatorial
dipole, the secular variation, or some combination? The value of
Bullard et al. (1950) of 0.2
per year has entered the geomagnetism
consciousness as a standard, but estimates have varied from 0.08
ward per year, up to 0.733
westward (for a summary, see Langel
1987). What this range of values demonstrates is that the picture of
westward drift is much too simplistic. Even in the 18th century, it
was realized some features of the field drift northwards rather than
westward, and once Gauss had developed a method for measuring
magnetic intensity, the observed decay of the dipole could clearly
not be explained by drift alone. Further, westward drift is much more
clearly visible in Europe and North America than in Asia and the
Pacific hemisphere. Yukutake and Tachinaka (1969) argued that other
features in the field did not move at all, and proposed a division of the
field into drifting and standing components. Yukutake (1969) further
suggested that the equatorial dipole field could be separated into two
components, drifting in opposite directions; such a process is reminis-
cent of wave motion, consistent with Hide’s ideas. Wave theory further
allows drift rate to vary with location, as the wave velocity is a func-
tion of the background field strength, which will vary over the core’s
However, this confused picture was largely swept away by the
advent of the Magsat satellite (qv), and the impetus it gave to a pro-
gram of high-resolution mapping of the field at the core-mantle
boundary. If we want to understand the secular variation, we must
really examine it at its source; upward continuation filters the field, com-
plicating considerably the interpretation of the field at the Earth’s sur-
face. Field models constructed for different epochs, culminating in the
time-dependent main field model (qv) “ufm” of Bloxham and Jackson
(1992), allowed detailed features of field evolution to be examined at
source. Their model from 1690 to 1990 shows apparent upwelling of
field under Africa, followed by a westward motion under the Atlantic.
However, such features are not observed under the Pacific, leading to
the weak westward drift observed in the surface field in the Pacific hemi-
sphere. Other features, particularly two pairs of high-latitude flux
patches of opposite signs in the northern and southern hemisphere,
are observed to remain stationary over historical time, contributing to
Yukatake’s standing field. Models of surface core motion (qv) have been
generated, using the magnetic field as a tracer of fluid motion. While
such models uniformly demonstrate a westward flow under the Atlantic,
elsewhere the pattern is more complex, and many suggest eastward flow
under the Pacific. An alternative view of drift has also recently been pre-
sented: instead of the drift of field or secular variation, the underlying
flow pattern is considered steady but drifting either westward or east-
ward (Holme and Whaler, 2001). Such a model can explain the secular
variation well with either a westward or eastward drift, again suggesting
that the problem may be best posed in terms of wave motion.
In conclusion, the concept of westward drift has largely been super-
ceded by more complex models of the secular variation, with maps of
the field evolution at the core-mantle boundary allowing the secular
variation to be examined at source. However, the simplicity of west-
ward drift means that it is still used for interpretation of archeo- and
paleomagnetic data. Because insufficient data have been available to
enable calculation of high-resolution field models as has been done
for historical time, we are limited to considering the change of the field
at the Earth’s surface. Therefore, interpreting changes in the field in
terms of drift, and relating such drift to our understanding of the histor-
ical field, is still extremely valuable. Furthermore, the underlying con-
troversy as to whether secular variation is dominantly generated by
large scale core convection (as proposed by Bullard et al.) or wave
motion at the surface of the core (as proposed by Hide) remains alive
to this day.
Richard Holme
Bloxham, J., and Jackson, A., 1992. Time-dependent mapping of
the magnetic field at the core-mantle boundary. Journal of Geo-
physical Research, 97: 19537–19563.
Bullard, E.C., Freeman, C., Gellman, H., and Nixon, J., 1950. The
westward drift of the Earth’s magnetic field. Philosophical Trans-
actions of the Royal Society of London A, 243:61–92.
Halley, E., 1693. On the cause of the change in the variation of the
magnetic needle; with an hypothesis of the structure of the internal
parts of the Earth. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
of London A, 17: 470–478.
Hide, R., 1966. Free hydromagnetic oscillations of the Earth’s core
and the theory of the geomagnetic secular variation. Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society of London A, 259: 615–650.
Hide, R., and Roberts, P., 1979. How strong is the magnetic field in
the Earth’s liquid core? Physics of the Earth and Planetary Inter-
iors, 20: 124–126.
Holme, R., and Whaler, K., 2001. Steady core flow in an azimuthally
drifting reference frame. Geophysical Journal International, 145:
Langel, R.A., 1987. The main field. In Jacobs, J.A. (ed.), Geomagnet-
ism, Volume. 1. New York: Academic Press (Chap. 4).
Yukutake, T., 1979. Review of the geomagnetic secular variations on
the historical time scale. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Inter-
iors, 20:83–95.