magnetization Contd.
–, homogenous 795
–, inclination 588
–, independent 943
–, induced 140, 480, 519, 535, 598, 856, 870,
874, 888, 931
–, intensity 596
–, intrinsic 580
–, irreversible 875
–, isothermal 977
–, remanent (IRM) 51, 455, 572, 589, 596,
621, 668, 758, 760
–, locked-in 342
–, low coercivity 270
–, measurement 931
–, multiple components 594
–, natural remanent (NRM) 335, 515, 594,
607, 777, 910, 911, 920
–, oceanic crust 596
–, partial thermoremanent (pTRM) 37, 596
–, post-metamorphic 456
–, permanent 871
–, piezoremanence 599
–, post-depositional remanent (PDRM) 767
–, pressure-induced remanent (PRM) 696
–, primary 595, 616, 664, 781, 783, 786
–, natural remanent (NRM) 781
–, radial 785
–, random 795
–, remanent (RM) 140, 528, 535–537, 596,
603, 871, 920
–, anhysteretic (ARM) 535, 572
–, application 38
–, chemical 38
–, detrital (DRM) 535
–, fold test 607
–, isothermal (IRM) 535, 613
–, Moon 443
–, multicomponent 156
–, natural 156
–, postdetrital (pDRM) 535
–, saturation 266
–, thermal (TRM) 535
–, viscous 29
–, reversed 339
–, rock 35
–, rotational remanent (RRM) 455, 456
–, saturation 589, 874, 877
–, isothermal remanent (SIRM)
515, 527
–, secondary
–, origin 783
–, viscous 597
–, shock 791
–, remanent (SRM) 696
–, spontaneous 491, 535, 621, 876
–, structure 874
–, thermoremanent (TRM) 35, 37, 325, 514,
528, 609, 616, 696, 749, 777, 781, 910,
911, 942
–, thermoviscous 621
–, vector 546
–, vertically integrated 486
–, viscous 623, 962
–, remanent (VRM) 577, 621, 696
–, weak 608
–, spontaneous 496
magnetocardiagram 48
magnetoconvection 137, 630
magnetoelastic energy 874
magnetoencephalogram 48
magnetofluid mechanics 639
magnetofossil, bacterial 249
magnetogram 506, 810
magnetograph 179, 712
–, Eschenhagen 735
magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) 639
–, classical 649
–, dynamo 175, 643
–, mean-field 198
–, rotating, experiment 276
magnetometer 2, 54, 596, 602, 654
–, alternating gradient (AGM) 655
–, alternating gradient field (AGFM) 877
–, ASG–81 scalar 850
–, astatic 654, 942
–, bifilar 280, 435
–, Bobrov 712
–, cesium 2, 27, 542
–, cryogenic 341, 561, 655, 992
–, declination and inclination (DIM) 717, 726
–, floating total-field 65
–, fluxgate 59, 72, 242, 438, 483, 672,
713, 714
–, sensor 26
–, helium 850
–, induction 435
–, coil (ICM) 72, 242, 713
–,JR–6/JR–6A dual speed spinner 921
–, Kew 279
–, NAROD ring-core fluxgate vector 850
–, ocean-bottom 741
–, optically pumped 438, 712
–, Overhauser 59, 542, 712, 727, 744
–, parastatic 655
–, precession, proton-free 26
–, proton precession (PPM) 2, 60, 438, 468,
484, 542, 710–
712, 717, 858, 990
–, quartz horizontal (QHM) 438, 717
–, rotating-sample 942
–, rubidium 714
–, saturable-core 435
–, seafloor 71
–, ship-towed 741
–, spinner 29, 655, 920, 992, 993
–, SQUID 793
–, subsatellite 791
–, superconducting (SRM) 883
–, superconducting quantum interference
device (SQUID) 438
–, surface 791
–, survey 25
–, theodolite 435
–, translation 942
–, unifilar 280
–, universal 437
–, vector proton (VPM) 714, 715
–, vibrating sample (VSM) 655, 756, 877
magnetometric resistivity (MMR)
–, method 230
–, sounding 72
magnetometry 920
–, superconducting quantum interference
device (SQUID) 51
magnetomineralogy 879
magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) 495
magnetopause 333, 449, 657, 659, 927
magnetosheath 657
magnetosome 782
–, chain 782
–, goethite 782
–, dynamics 660
–, Earth 656
magnetospheric substorm 662, 700, 926
magnetostatic 871
magnetostratigraphy 331, 664, 760, 780
magnetostriction 515, 535, 614, 618, 871
–, anisotropy 879
–, energy 874
magnetostrophic 852
magnetotail 33
magnetotaxis 50, 782
magnetotellurics (MT) 219, 230, 316, 670, 866
–, dead band 869
–, method 71, 227, 844
–, survey 844
magnetozone 664
–, normal polarity 665
magnon 694
Magsat 59, 673, 892
–, mission 465
–, satellite 349, 352
–, field
–, ellipticity correction 683
–, model 60
–, modeling 679
–, phase 663
mainstream 111
Maisach Observatory 729
Makerstoun Observatory 720
Malaspina's expedition 990
Mallet, Frederick 435
manganese carbonate 932
Manhay Observatory 725
Manila Observatory 461
–, conductivity 696, 867
–, electrical 288, 684
–, thermal 688
–, continental 72
–, convection 19, 294, 928, 958, 966
–, geochemistry 77
–, heat capacity 128
–, hot spot 245
–, lateral temperature variations 133
–, lower 211, 929, 964
–, high viscosity 967
–, mean 956, 957, 967
–, mineralogy 684
–, model, isoviscous 966
–, nutation of the 207
–, plume 146, 228, 902
–, primitive 77, 854
–, radioactivity 854
–, rheology 206
–, roll 959
–, upper 211
INDEX 1035