7.1 Lattice QCD Calculations 469
(7.134) and the assumption of ergodicity it follows that one only has to calculate
classical equations of motion:
= π
. (7.136)
Equations (7.136) are solved by discretizing the “time variable” in the same way
as in the Langevin method. It is amusing to note that one can actually solve
quantum-field-theoretical problems by integrating classical equations of motion
(in higher dimensions).
One problem with this procedure is that one has to ensure that (7.135) holds.
In practice this is done by thermalizing the system first by using one of the
methods discussed earlier. Another caveat arises from making use of the ther-
modynamic limit, which is naturally not exactly fulfilled on a finite lattice.
Therefore finite-volume corrections enter which have to be studied separately.
There are a number of other updating schemes. Many so-called hybrid
algorithms use some mixture of Langevin and microcanonical approaches.
As we derived in (7.109) one can integrate out the fermionic degrees of
freedom leaving us with a determinant detM in the path integral. When consid-
ering the full QCD problem we still have the gluon integration left. In addition
the matrix M, which is the inverse Green’s function of the quarks, contains
a dependence on the gluons. The full partition function reads
Z =
[dU]det M
({U}) e
where M
is the fermion Green’s function, for instance for Wilson fermions
(7.88). The solution of (7.137) constitutes the main problem in solving full QCD
on the lattice. There are various algorithms in use to solve (7.137). It would be
beyond the scope of this book to go into a detailed discussion of those methods.
Since the determinant in the equation depends nonlocally on the link variables,
every updating step requires the calculation of the determinant of a huge matrix.
This part of the numerical calculation is therefore extremely time-critical and has
to be designed very carefully.
The basis of most algorithms is the transformation of the determinant to an
additional path integral. The determinant in (7.137) is the result of a Gaussian
integration over Grassmann variables as is discussed in Sect. 7.1.7. A similar re-
lation holds for bosonic fields. Given a complex scalar field φ, the discretized
path integral is of the form
with a Hermitean matrix M. Equation (7.138) can be solved directly after
diagonalizing M with a unitary transformation U(x, x
φMφ =
φ with
φ =Uφ. (7.139)