106 Chapter 2. Viscosity solutions
The degenerate equations (2.1.5) with singularity at ∇u = 0 was first studied
by Y.-G. Chen, Y. Giga and S. Goto (1989), (1991a), to investigate level set
equations of surface evolution equations, and independently by L.C. Evans and J.
Spruck (1991) for the level set equation of the mean curvature flow equations. The
continuity condition (2.1.10) for comparison principle is explicitly stated in Y.-G.
Chen, Y. Giga and S. Goto (1989), (1991a) and this property is also used in L.C.
Evans and J. Spruck (1991). The conterexample for the comparison principle for
a very singular equation is due to Y.-G. Chen, Y. Giga and S. Goto (1991b).
A suitable notion of viscosity solutions for very singular equations was first
introduced by S. Goto (1994). The definition of F-subsolution in §2.1.3 is appar-
ently different from his and it is essentially due to H. Ishii and P.E. Souganidis
(1995), where they only treated level set equations. It is not difficult to generalize
this notion to other equations including p-Laplace diffusion equations (2.1.14) as
in M. Ohnuma and K. Sato (1997). In §2.1.3 we compare an F-subsolution with a
usual subsolution. Although it is elementary, Proposition 2.1.7 and 2.1.8 are not
found in the literature. The first part of Lemma 2.1.9 is standard. The second part
of Lemma 2.1.9 is essentially found in M. G. Crandall, L.C. Evans and P.-L. Lions
(1984) where they showed equivalence of several definitions of viscosity solutions.
A convergence of maximum points and its various applications including
strong stability principle are explained well in G. Barles (1994) for first order
equations. Results in §2.2 are a straightforward extension to singular and very
singular equations. Since the equation is an evolution type, we note that separable
type functions play the role of a class of test functions as explained in Proposition
2.2.3. The stability results for very singular equations is essentially found in H.
Ishii and P.E. Souganidis (1995) for level set equations and in M. Ohnuma and K.
Sato (1997) for general equations. An alternate definition of viscosity subsolution
in Remark 2.2.4 is due to L. A. Caffarelli (1989) and L. Wang (1990). This notion is
useful when z-dependence of F is discontinuous and only measurable. Equivalence
of F-subsolution and subsolution is essentially due to G. Barles and C. Georgelin
(1995) where they proved Proposition 2.2.8 from Proposition 2.1.7 for the level
set equation of the mean curvature flow equation.
The definition of solution for the boundary value problem goes back to P.-L.
Lions (1985). Materials in §2.3 is essentially taken from the User’s Guide with
modification and adjustment for evolution problems. We do not consider Dirichlet
problems in this weak sense in this book. There are also interesting other boundary
conditions like the state constraint problem as studied in H. M. Soner (1986). We
do not touch these problems in this book. Those who are interested in these topics
are encouraged to consult the User’s Guide and a book by W. Fleming and H. M.
Soner (1993).
Perron’s method presented in §2.4 is essentially due to H. Ishii (1987), where
first order equations are treated. Its extension to various other equations is usu-
ally not difficult so in many cases it is stated without proof. For the reader’s