3.2. Alternate definition of viscosity solutions 113
Indeed, (F1) for F
(defined by (1.6.16)) follows from (i) as in Proposition 1.6.15.
The ellipticity of F
follows from the definition of (iii); see (1.6.21). Geometricity
follows from §1.6.2. The condition (F3) holds if the growth of f with respect to
∇n is at most linear (Proposition 1.6.18).
We list examples of (1.6.1) satisfying (i), (ii), (iii) for the reader’s convenience.
The equation (1.5.2) fulfills (i)–(iii) provided that β>0 is continuous and γ
in (1.3.7) is convex and C
except at the origin and that a ≥ 0andc is independent
of x and is continuous on [0,T]. In particular, the mean curvature flow equation
(1.5.4) and a Hamilton–Jacobi equation (1.5.6) evidently fulfill (i)–(iii) provided
that c in (1.5.6) is independent of x and is continuous on [0,T]. The level set
equations of these equations also fulfill (F3). Under the same assumption on γ,a, c
as above, the equation (1.5.13) fulfills (i)–(iii) provided that h is continuous and
nondecreasing. Its level set equation fulfills (F3) if and only if growth of h is at
most linear.
The equation (1.5.8) fulfills (i)–(iii) provided that g is continuous and that
(1.5.8) is degenerate parabolic. The Gaussian curvature flow equation (1.5.9) and
other related equations (1.5.10), (1.5.11), (1.5.12) fulfills (i)–(iii) provided that e
is interpreted as ˆe
(Theorem 1.6.10). In other words the modified form (1.6.22),
(1.6.23) fulfills (i)–(iii). Here (F3) is in general not expected to hold for the level
set equation.
Another typical example, which is not geometric but Theorem 3.1.1 and
Theorem 3.1.4 still apply, is the p-Laplace equation of parabolic type:
− div(|∇u|
for 1 <p<2 as proved by M. Ohnuma and K. Sato (1997).
3.2 Alternate definition of viscosity solutions
3.2.1 Definition involving semijets
We recall the notion of the second-order semijets of a function which plays a role
of derivatives up to the second-order in usual calculus. Semijets are infinitesimal
quantities. We shall give an equivalent definition of viscosity solutions by using
semijets. Such an infinitesimal interpretation of viscosity solutions is useful to
prove comparison principles.
Definition 3.2.1 (Semijets). Let O be a locally compact subset of R
.Letu :
O→R ∪{−∞} be upper semicontinuous. Let ˆz be a point in O.Anelement
(q, Z) ∈ R
× S
is called (the second-order) superjet of u at ˆz in O if u(ˆz) is finite
u(z) − u(ˆz) ≤q, z − ˆz +
Z(z − ˆz),z− ˆz + o(|z − ˆz|
for z ∈Oas z → ˆz;hereo(h) denotes a function such that o(h)/h → 0ash → 0.
The set of all superjets of u at ˆz in O is denoted by J
u(ˆz)(⊂ R
× S
). For a