8 MEMS Wet-Etch Processes and Procedures 595
during the elevated temperatures associated with epi growth and that a satisfactory
seed layer for the epi deposition exists at the implanted surface.
8.6.5 Electrochemical Etching and Electrochemical Etch Stops
Although applicable to nearly any metal or semiconductor material, electrochemical
etching techniques generally require external voltage supplies, monitors, reference
electrodes, and one or more electrical connections to each wafer, which diminish
their utility in favor of simple immersion in selective wet chemical etchants or use of
dry-etching systems. However, in situations where a well-defined etch stop is needed
between n-doped and p-doped material, the additional efforts may be worthwhile.
An example is bulk-micromachined pressure sensors that use a low-doped n-type
diaphragm with p-type piezoresistors.
Electrochemical etch stops can provide suitable stopping capability for wafers
with an internal p–n junction, such as a lightly doped epitaxially deposited n-type epi
layer on top of a p-type substrate. The doping requirements for the p
and n
are much reduced from heavy p
etch stops and allows for piezoresistors and active
devices. Accommodations must be made to provide good electrical contact to the
internal junction, while protecting the connections from inadvertent exposure to the
etchant. When etching at an elevated temperature, reverse leakage currents increase
and can lessen the voltage drop across the diode. High current levels present during
portions of the etch may cause variations in voltage across the wafer and prevent
the etch from stopping near the junction, requiring metal backing plates, metallized
pathways, or regions on the wafer with very low sheet resistance to circumvent.
Two-, three-, four-, and zero-electrode configurations with intrinsic galvanic cou-
ples are possible for silicon etching. Two-electrode configurations require a voltage
be applied across the n-epi and a reference electrode placed in the etchant as seen
in Fig. 8.13a, although this approach is intolerant of leaky junctions and may fail
to etch or fail to stop the etch where desired. The three-electrode configuration
uses a reference electrode such as a platinum sheet, mesh, or wire, in addition to
connections to the n-epi and counterelectrode as seen in Fig. 8.13b. By setting a
potentiostat so that the current through the reference electrode is zero, the interface
potential between the reference electrode and the etchant is stable and less subject
to variations in leakage currents or s horting in the sample, resulting in a more con-
sistent etch stop. The four-electrode configuration requires an additional connection
to the p-type substrate as seen in Fig. 8.13c and is more tolerant of substrate leak-
age, although it requires the most connections and external monitoring. As the etch
nears completion, the current changes dramatically, bubble formation at the silicon
surface or near the counter electrode stops, a smooth surface becomes visible, and
the wafer can be withdrawn and rinsed. A zero-terminal configuration is illustrated
in Fig. 8.13d. This configuration self-generates the required galvanic potentials by
incorporating, for example, thin-film platinum on the front and/or back of a wafer
with sufficient area to stop the etch as an internal p–n junction is reached. Internal