Table 14.2 Non-Gaussian model with Pearson family of distributions with vari-
ous values of shape parameter b.
log-likelihood AIC
0.60 0.211 ×10
1.042 −597.1 9 1198.38
0.75 0.299 ×10
1.043 −597.3 9 1198.78
1.00 0.353 ×10
1.045 −597.9 9 1198.98
1.50 0.303 ×10
1.045 −599.1 3 1202.26
3.00 0.406 ×10
1.046 −600.4 0 1204.80
∞ 0.140 ×1 0
1.048 −600.6 9 1205.38
respectively, and c is a no rmalizing co nstant, which makes the value of
the integral of q(v) over the whole interval equal to 1 and is given by
c =
)Γ(b −
) (Johnson and Kotz (1970)). The Pearson
family of distributions can express various symmetric probability density
functions with heavier-tailed distributions than the normal distributions.
Here, the Pearson family of distributions yields th e Cauchy distribution
for b = 1, the t distribution with k degrees of freedom for b = (k + 1)/2
and the normal distribution as b → ∞.
Table 14.2 summarizes the values of the ma ximum likelihoods and
the AI Cs of the Pearson family of distributions with b = 3/k, (k =
0,.. .,5). Here, it is shown that the AIC is minimized at b = 0.60, a nd
the AIC of the normal distribution model (b = ∞) is the maximum.
The plot on the left-hand side of Figure 14.2 depicts th e change over
time of the smoothed distribution of the trend p(t
), obtained from
the Gaussian model (for b = ∞), and the corresponding plot obtain e d
from the non-Gaussian model with b = 1.0 is sh own on the right-hand
side. The left plot (a) shows that the distribution of the trend estimated
by the Gaussian mode l g radually shifts left or rig ht with the progress of
time n. On the other hand, for the case of the non-Ga ussian m odel shown
in the r ight plot (b), the estimated density is seen to be very stable with
abrupt changes at only three time points.
In Figure 14.3, the plot on the left-hand side shows the mean and the
±1,2 , 3 standard deviation intervals of the estimated distribution at e ach
time point for the Gaussian model. On the other hand, the plot on the
right-ha nd side shows the 0.13, 2.27, 15.87,50.0, 84.13, 97.73 and 99.8 7
percentile points of the estimated trend distribution that correspond to
the mean and ±1, 2,3 intervals of the Gaussian distribution. Comparing