From plot (b), it is obvious that if the true distribution has two or more
peaks or the distribution is highly skewed, a good approximation cannot
be ob tained. Plots (c) and (d) show the approximation by a piecewise
linear function with 40 nodes, and by a step function with 40 nodes, re-
spectively. In the p revious chapter, these approximations were applied
to the non-Gaussian filter and the smoother. In practical use, however,
we usually set the number of nodes to several hundred or more. Conse-
quently, very precise approximations to any types of distributions can be
obtained by these methods.
Plot (e) shows the Gaussian mixture approximations with five Gaus-
sian components. The faint curves dep ict the contributions of Gaussian
components and the bold curve depicts the Gaussian-m ixture approxima-
tion obtained by summing up these Gaussian components. The Gaussian-
sum filter and the smo other can be easily obtained by this approximation.
In this chapter, distinct from the approximations discussed above,
the true distribution can be represented by using many particles in the
sequential M onte Carlo method. Each particle is considered a s a realiza-
tion generated from the tr ue distribution. Plot (f) shows 100 realizations
generated from the assumed true distribution shown in plot (a). In plot
(f), many sh ort vertical lines above the horizontal axis are seen, which
express the location of the particles. Comparing plot (a) with plot (f), the
peaks of the density function in plot (a) correspond to the concentrated
particles in plot (f).
Figure 15.2 compares the empirical distribution functions obtained
from the realizations and the true cumulative distribution functions. Plots
(a)–(c) depict the cases of m = 10, m = 100 a nd m = 1000, respec tively.
The true distribution function a nd th e empirical distribution function are
illustrated with the bold curve an d the fainter curve, respectively. For
m = 10, the appearance of the empirical distribution function differs
from the true distribution function; however, as the number o f pa rticles
increases to m = 100 and m = 1000, we can obtain closer approxima -
With the sequential Monte Carlo filter, the predictive distribution, the
filter distribution and the smoothing distribution are approximated by m
particles as shown in Table 15.1. The number of particles m is usu ally set
between 1000 and 100,000, the actual number chosen depending on the
complexity of the distribution and the required accuracy. This process is
equivalent to approximating a true cumulative distribution function by
an empirical distribution function defined using m particles.