15.2 Comparison between the empirical distribution func-
tions and the true cumulative distribution functions for
various numbers of particles: (a) m = 10, (b) m = 100
and (c) m = 1000. 224
15.3 One step of the Monte Carlo filter. The figures in the left-
hand column illustrate the probability density functions,
100 realizations and the histogram, respectively, and the
figures in the right-hand colu mn depict the distribution
functions and the empirical distribution functions
obtained from the realizations, respectively. (a) and (b):
the initial state distributions. (c) and (d): the system noise
distribution. (e) and (f): the one-step-ahead pr edictive
distributions. (g) and (h): the filter distributions. (i) and
(j): the filter distributions after re-sampling. 230
15.4 The results o f the Monte Carlo filter: (a) the exact
filter distribution using a Kalman filter. (b) – (d) the
fixed-lag (L = 20) smoothed densities ((b) m = 100, (c)
m = 1000, (d) m = 10,000) with a Monte Carlo filter. 232
15.5 Smoothing with Cauchy distribution model: (a) The
exact distribution obtained from the non-Gaussian
smoothing algorithm. (b) The results of Monte Carlo
smoothing (m = 10,00 0). 233
15.6 Nonlinear smoothing: (a) Data y
. (b) Unknown State
. (c) Smoothed distribution of x
obtained by the
Monte Carlo smoo ther. 234
15.7 Fixed-point smoothing for t = 30 (left) and t = 48
(right). From top to bottom, pre dictive distributions,
filter distributions, 1-lag smoothers and 2-lag smoothers. 235
16.1 Realizations, histograms and autocorrelation functions
of uniform rand om numbers and w hite noise. 240
16.2 Simulation of a random walk model. 242
16.3 Simulation of an AR model. 242
16.4 Simulation of a seasonal adjustment model. 243
16.5 Density functions of system noise and the results of the
simulation. 245
16.6 Simulation of an AR model with different noise distri-
butions: (a) normal distribution, (b) Cauchy distribution. 246