Stationary and nonstationary time series
A time series is a record of a phe nomenon irregularly varying over
time. In time series analysis, irregularly varying time series are generally
expressed by stochastic mod els. In some cases, a random phenomenon
can be co nsidered as a realization of a stochastic model with a time-
invariant structure. Such a time series is called a stationary time series.
Figure 1.1(a) is a typical example of a stationary time series.
On the other ha nd, if the stochastic structure of a time series itself
changes over time, it is called a nonstationary time series. As typical ex-
amples of n onstationary time series, consider the series in Figures 1.1(c),
(d), (e) and 1.1(g). It can be seen that mean values change over time in
Figures 1.1(c), ( d), (e) and 1.1(g) and the fluctuation around the mean
value changes over time in Figure 1.1(f).
Gaussian and non-Gaussian time series
When a distribution of a time series follows a normal distribution,
the time series is ca lled a Gaussian time series; oth erwise, it is called a
non-Gaussian time series. Most of the models considered in this book
are Gaussian models, under the assumption that the time series follow
Gaussian distributions.
As in the case of Figure 1.1(b) , the pattern of the time series is o cca-
sionally asymmetric so that the marginal distribution cannot be c onsid-
ered as Gaussian. Even in such a situation, we may obtain an approxi-
mately Gaussian time ser ie s by an app ropriate da ta transformation. This
method will be introduced in Section 1.4 and Section 4.5.
Linear and nonlinear time series
A time series that is expressible as the output of a linear model is
called a linear time series. In c ontrast, the output from a nonlinear model
is called a nonlinear time series.
Missing observations and outliers
In time series modeling of real-world problems, we sometime s need
to deal with missing observations and outliers. Some values of time se-
ries that have not been recorded for some re asons are called missing
observations in th e time series; see Figure 1.1(h). Outliers (outlying ob-
servations) might occur due to extraordinary behavior of the object, mal-
function of the observation device or errors in recording. I n the ground-
water level da ta shown in Figure 1.1(h), some data jumping up ward are
considered to be outliers.