Table 10.3: Estimation of ARMA models wit h modified initial values.
order log-likelihood AIC
(0,4) −22.5 55.0
(1,2) −23.8 55.5
(2,3) −12.2 36.4
(3,2) −15.4 42.8
(3,4) −0.4 16.3
(4,5) 2.0 16.0
(5,5) 3.7 14.5
the values for other surrounding models. Note that the maximum log-
likelihood of the ARMA (i, j) sho uld be larger than or equal to those
of AR (i −1, j) and AR (i, j −1), i.e., ℓ(i, j) ≥ ℓ(i −1, j) and ℓ(i, j) ≥
ℓ(i, j −1). Therefore, this means that the log-likelihood for these mod e ls
did not converge to the global maximum from the default initial values
of the parameters.
By assuming that a
= 0 in the ARMA (3,2) model, we can obtain
the ARMA (2,2) model. Therefore, it is expe cted that the maximum log-
likelihood value for the ARMA ( 3,2) model is larger than that of the
ARMA (2,2) model. Acc ordingly, the AIC values for the ARMA (i, j)
model in Table 10.1 do not increase by more than 2 compared with those
of the ARMA (i, j −1) and ARMA (i −1, j) models.
Therefore, if the log-likelihood value fo r the ARMA(i, j) violates
either ℓ(i, j) ≥ ℓ(i −1, j) o r ℓ(i, j) ≥ ℓ(i, j −1), then it indicates that we
could not obtain the global maximum of the log-likeliho od function in
estimating the param eters of ARMA(i, j). Such log-likelihood values are
highlighted in boldface in Table 10.2.
In these cases, a be tter model can be always o btained by using the
coefficients of a model with a larger log-likelihood among the left and
above models in Table 10.2 as the initial values for numerical optimiza-
tion. Table 10.3 shows the log-likelihoods and the AICs of the models
obtained by using these modified initial values. It can be seen that those
initial values certainly satisfy the conditions that ℓ(i, j) ≥ ℓ(i −1, j) and
ℓ(i, j) ≥ ℓ(i, j −1) for all i and j.
In the maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters of the
ARMA models, it is certain to increase the AR and MA orders gradually
by using the estimators of the lower order models. However, it should