Chapter 8
The Locally Stationary AR Model
Records of real-world phenomena can mostly be catego rized as nonsta-
tionary time series. Th e simplest approa ch to m odeling nonstation ary
time series is, firstly, to partition the time interval into several subin-
tervals of appropriate size, on the assumption that the time series are
stationary on each subinterval. Secondly, by fitting an AR mod el to each
subinterval, we can obtain a series of models that approximate nonsta-
tionary time series. In this chapter, two modeling methods are shown for
analysis of nonstationary time series, namely, a model for roughly de-
ciding on the number of subintervals a nd the locations o f their endpoints
and a model for precisely estimating a change point. A more sophisti-
cated time-varying coefficient AR m odel will be considered in Chapter
8.1 Locally Stationary AR Model
It is assumed that the given tim e series y
,···, y
is n onstationary as a
whole, but that we can consider it to be stationary on each subinterval
of an approp riately constructed partition. Such a time series that satisfies
piecewise stationarity is called a lo c ally stationary time series (Ozaki
and Tong (1975), Kitagawa and Akaike (1 978), Kitagawa and Gersch
(1996)). To be specific, k and N
are assum ed to denote the number of
subintervals, and the nu mber o f obser vations in the i-th subinte rval (N
···+ N
= N), re spectively. Actually, k and N
are unknown in practical
modeling. Therefore, in the analysis of locally stationary time series, it
is n ecessary to estimate the number of subintervals, k, the locations of
the dividing points and appropriate models for subinter vals.
A locally stationary AR model is a nonstationary time series model,
which has the property that, on each appropriately construc te d sub-
interval, it is stationary and can be modeled by an AR model on each of
these subintervals. More precisely, consider the i-th subinterval, [n