390 11 Modeling Network Traffic
p(T > t +|T > t) = p(T >) for all t,>0 (11.13)
Basically, this equation states that the probability that no packets arrive for a time
t + , given that no packets arrived up to time t, does not depend on the value of
t. It depends only on . So, in effect, the expression states that we know that we
waited for t seconds and no packets arrived. Now we reset our clock and we ask
the question: What is the probability that a packet arrives if we wait for a period
seconds? The probability of this event only depends on our choice of value and
will not use our prior knowledge of the period t.
Let us state this property using two examples of systems having the memoryless
property. Assume that we are studying the interarrival times of buses instead of
packets. Assume also that the time between bus arrivals is a random variable with
memoryless property. We arrive at the bus stop at 9:00 a.m. and wait for 1 h yet no
buses show up. Now we know that no buses showed up for the past hour, and we
naturally ask the question: What are the odds that a bus will show up if we wait for
five more minutes. The probability that no buses will come in the next five minutes
will depend only on the wait period (5 min) and not on how long we have been
waiting at the bus stop.
Another example of memoryless property is the case of an appliance (a television
set for example). If the time between failures is a random variable with memoryless
property, then the probability that the TV will fail after 1 h of use is the same at any
time independent of when we bought the TV or how long the TV has been used.
Obviously, the time between failures in cars and airplanes has a memory property.
That is why an older car breaks down more often when compared to a new car or
when compared to an older car that is only driven on weekends in the summer
months only.
Let us turn back to our interarrival time statistics. From (11.9), we could write
p(T > t) = e
Changing the time value from t to t +, we get
p(T > t +) = e
Equation (11.13) is a conditional probability, and we can write it as
p(A|B) =
where the events A and B are defined as
A : T > t + (11.17)
B : T > t (11.18)