384 11 Modeling Network Traffic
interval. These point processes sometime give the random sequence representing the
time separations between packets. Several random processes are grouped together to
give more complex traffic patterns. The Internet traffic archive (http://ita.ee.lbl.gov/
index.html) provides data sets for network traffic and some useful software.
The other extreme for traffic modeling is to use fluid flow models. Fluid flow
modeling groups the traffic into flows that are characterized by average and burst
data rates. The object in these models is to investigate traffic at the aggregate level
such as Ethernet traffic or traffic arriving at ingress and egress points of some Inter-
net service provider (ISP). Fluid flow models do not concern themselves with the
details of individual packet arrivals or departures.
The difference between point processes and fluid flow models is similar to the
difference in modeling an electric current in terms of the individual electrons or in
terms of the current equations.
11.2 Flow Traffic Models
Flow traffic or fluid traffic models hide the details of the different traffics flowing
in the network and replace them with flows that have a small set of characterizing
parameters. The resulting models are easily generated, measured, or monitored.
For an end-to-end application, a flow has constant addressing and service re-
quirements [8]. These requirements define a flow specification or flowspec, which
is used for bandwidth planning and service planning. Individual flows, belonging
to single sessions or applications, are combined into composite flows that share the
same path, link, or service requirements. Composite flows, in turn, are combined
into backbone flows when the network achieves a certain level of hierarchy. De-
scribing flows in this fashion makes it easier to combine flow characteristics and to
work with a smaller set of data. For example, a core router might separate incoming
data into individual flows, composite flows, and backbone flows depending on the
quality of service (QoS) required by the users. This results in smaller number of ser-
vice queues and simpler implementation of the scheduling algorithm implemented
in the router. In most networks, the majority of the flows are low-performance
backbone flows; there will also be some composite flows, and there will be few
high-performance individual flows. The high-performance flows will influence the
design of the scheduling algorithm in the switch, size, and number of the queues
required since they usually have demanding delay and/or bandwidth requirements.
The backbone flows will influence the buffer size required since they will usually
constitute the bulk of the traffic and most of the storage within the switch.
11.2.1 Modulated Poisson Processes
In a Markov modulated traffic model, states are introduced where the source changes
its characteristic based on the state it is in. The state of the source could represent its
data rate, its packet length, etc. When the Markov process represents data rate, the
source can be in any of several active states and generates traffic with a rate that is