378 10 Modeling Medium Access Control Protocols
versus the average input traffic when γ = 0.5, w1 = 4, w2 = 8, n = 10, and
N = 32. Dashed line represents the throughput of slotted ALOHA and the dotted
line represents the throughput of pure ALOHA.
We note from the figure that the access probability for the class 1 traffic is higher
than that of class 2. This will lead to lesser delay for class 1 traffic, which is the
desired performance.
ALOHA Network
10.1 Use Equation (10.20) to find the maximum value for the throughput of an
ALOHA network and the value of a at the maximum.
10.2 Using the results of Section A.6 in Appendix A on page 599, prove that the
maximum throughput of the ALOHA network approaches the value 1/2e as
N →∞.
10.3 Assume an ALOHA network that is operating at its optimum conditions.
What is the average number of attempts for a user to be able to transmit a
frame under these conditions?
10.4 Assume an ALOHA network where the frame length is a multiple of some
unit of length with an upper limit on the maximum frame size. Draw a pos-
sible transition diagram for such system and write down the corresponding
state transition matrix.
10.5 Assume an ALOHA network where the propagation delay is bigger than the
frame time T . What would be a good choice for the time step of the Markov
chain? Draw a possible transition diagram for such system and write down
the corresponding state transition matrix.
10.6 Assume there are 25 users in an ALOHA network. What is the transmission
request probability a that corresponds to maximum throughput and what is
the value of the maximum throughput?
10.7 Assume there are 25 users in an ALOHA network and the probability that a
user request access is a = 0.06. What is the throughput of the channel and
what is the probability that a user will successfully transmit frame after three
unsuccessful attempts?
10.8 What is the average number of unsuccessful attempts before a user can trans-
mit a frame in the above problem?
Slotted ALOHA Network
10.9 What is the major difference between ALOHA and slotted ALOHA?
10.10 What are the major differences between the transition diagrams of ALOHA
and slotted ALOHA?
10.11 Write down the expressions for the steady-state distribution vectors for
ALOHA and slotted ALOHA and comment on their similarities and