428 11 Modeling Network Traffic
error probability between 0.001 < e < 0.9. Plot the system throughput and
comment on your results.
11.26 Consider Example 11.15 and suppose that there is an upper limit on the
number of retransmissions before the frame is considered lost. Obtain the
resulting Markov transition diagram and the associated transition matrix.
11.27 Consider Example 11.15 again and suppose that no transmissions are al-
lowed. This could be the case for real-time data or best-effort traffic. Obtain
the resulting Markov transition diagram and the associated transition matrix.
11.28 Consider Example 11.15 again, but this time assume that number of errors
per frame varies between 0 and 5. A forward error correction (FEC) scheme
is used and frame is considered to be error free if it contains up to two packets
in error. Obtain the resulting Markov transition diagram and the associated
transition matrix.
11.29 Assume an adaptive forward error correction (FEC) scheme where three lev-
els of error correction are employed:
FEC level 1: can correct one error in received frame only.
FEC level 2: can correct up to three errors.
FEC level 3: can correct up to five errors.
When the errors in the received frame can be corrected, the next frame is
transmitted using the next lower FEC level. When the errors in the received
frame cannot be corrected, the frame is retransmitted using the next higher
FEC level. Assume each frame to contain no more than five errors in it due
to packet size limitations. Derive the Markov chain transition diagram and
the associated transition matrix.
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