Chapter 6
Periodic Markov Chains
6.1 Introduction
From Chapter 4, we infer that a Markov chain settles down to a steady-state distri-
bution vector s when n →∞. This is true for most transition matrices representing
most Markov chains we studied. However, there are other times when the Markov
chain never settles down to an equilibrium distribution vector, no matter how long
we iterate. So this chapter will illustrate periodic Markov chains whose distribution
vector s(n) repeats its values at regular intervals of time and never settles down to
an equilibrium value no matter how long we iterate.
Periodic Markov chains could be found in systems that show repetitive behavior
or task sequences. An intuitive example of a periodic Markov chain is the population
of wild salmon. In that fish species, we can divide the life cycle as eggs, hatchlings,
subadults, and adults. Once the adults reproduce, they die, and the resulting eggs
hatch and repeat the cycle as shown in Fig. 6.1. Fluctuations in the salmon pop-
ulation can thus be modeled as a periodic Markov chain. It is interesting to note
that other fishes that lay eggs without dying can be modeled as nonperiodic Markov
Another classic example from nature where periodic Markov chains apply is the
predator–prey relation—where the population of deer, say, is related to the pop-
ulation of wolves. When deer numbers are low, the wolf population is low. This
results in more infant deer survival rate, and the deer population grows during the
next year. When this occurs, the wolves start having more puppies and the wolf
population also increases. However, the large number of wolves results in more
deer kills, and the deer population diminishes. The reduced number of deer results
in wolf starvation, and the number of wolves also decreases. This cycle repeats as
discussed in Problem 6.14.
Another example for periodic Markov chains in communications is data trans-
mission. In such a system, first, data are packetized to be transmitted, and then
the packets are sent over a channel. The received packets are then analyzed for the
presence of errors. Based on the number of bits in error, the receiver is able to correct
for the errors or inform the transmitter to retransmit, perhaps even with a higher level
of data redundancy. Figure 6.2 shows these states which are modeled as a periodic
F. Gebali, Analysis of Computer and Communication Networks,
DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-74437-7
Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008