188 6 Periodic Markov Chains
1. The m ×m transition matrix P of a strongly periodic Markov chain is full rank,
i.e., rank(P) = m.
2. The rows and columns of the transition matrix P of a strongly periodic Markov
chain are linearly independent.
3. λ<1 can never be an eigenvalue for the transition matrix P of a strongly periodic
Markov chain. Any value of λ<1 would produce a determinant that is not equal
to ±1.
4. All eigenvalues must obey the relation |λ|=1. This will be proved in the next
6.6 Transition Matrix Diagonalization
The following theorem indicates that the transition matrix of a strongly periodic
Markov chain can be diagonalized. This fact naturally leads to a great simplification
in the study of strongly periodic Markov chains.
Theorem 6.2 Let P be the transition matrix of a strongly periodic Markov chain
with period γ>1. Then P is diagonalizable.
Proof If P is diagonalizable, then its Jordan canonic form will turn into a diagonal
matrix. Let us assume that P is not diagonalizable. In that case, P is similar to its
Jordan canonic form
Since P is periodic, we must have
= UJ
= I (6.13)
Multiplying both sides of the equation from the right by U, we get
= IU = UI (6.14)
This implies that we must have
= I (6.15)
The above equation states that the matrix J
is equal to the diagonal matrix I.
However, J can never be diagonal if it is not already so. Thus the above equation is
only possible when the Jordan canonic form J is diagonal, which happens when P
is diagonalizable, and the theorem is proved.