13 Concepts of electricity generation by wind turbines 439
At point DC1 of the converter the three-phase current of variable frequency has
been converted into direct current. For a low rotational speed the generator does
not reach the output voltage of 400 V despite full excitation. Therefore, the step-
up converter increases the voltage level (from DC1 to DC2 in Fig. 13-9). After
that the direct current of 400 V is turned into three-phase current of 50 (or 60) Hz
which is fed into the grid via the transformer.
Moreover, the DC intermediate circuit delivers information about the momen-
tary power (current I
times voltage U
) which, together with the rotational
speed, provides the control with the essentials of the operating state: the aim of the
generator control in the normal wind range is to follow the optimum trajectory of
“torque is proportional to :
“, cf. section 12.4.
The blade pitching system is inactive until the rated wind speed of 12 m/s is
exceeded. For stronger winds it limits the rotational speed with a certain flexibility
to the set value.
Since in the strong wind range the generator is operated with a (nearly) fixed
torque, cf. section 12.4, the power output is approximately constant.
The mechanical implementation of this wind turbine concept (E-40, E-66, etc.
by ENERCON) is impressively simple, cf. Fig. 3-30. The turbine is nearly “oil-
free” because there are electrical drives for the blade pitching system as well as for
the yaw system of the nacelle. The supply of reactive power can vary freely
between inductive and capacitive: there is no problem of reactive power consump-
tion as in the case of asynchronous machines.
Scaling the wind turbine up to rotor diameters of more than 100 m leads to an
impressive weight of the nacelle (approx. 500 t for the E-112). Wind turbines us-
ing a gearbox have a significantly smaller weight, cf. chapter 3.
13.1.4 Variable-speed wind turbine with doubly-feeding asynchro-
nous generator and converter in the rotor circuit
With dynamic slip control, section 13.1.2, the asynchronous machine is less rig-
idly coupled to the grid (s = 0.02 to 0.2). However, it requires the more complex
slip ring rotor instead of the squirrel-cage rotor. Since one percent slip equals one
percent power loss in the rotor, it is reasonable to allow high values of slip only
for brief intervals of time.
If the power, that was exported from the rotor, is not converted into heat, but is in-
stead fed into the grid via an AC-DC-AC converter the problem of heat dissipation
is avoided. And the efficiency of the generator is improved. However, the latter is
of little interest in the range of strong winds.