470 14.2 Wind turbines in the interconnected electrical grid
A third method of optimising grid operation is balancing power generation and
consumption with the help of energy storage systems. Pump storage power plants
have been well-established for decades. At night, cheap electricity is used to pump
the water up into the reservoirs. During daytime peak-load the potential energy is
converted back into expensive control power by water turbines [12]. Short-time
storage systems (seconds to minute) such as flywheel storage systems, super cups
and even hydrogen production plants are currently being tested and will help to
stabilize the grid by smoothing the power input of wind farms. A flywheel storage
system is already offered in a hybrid system [13], cf. Fig. 13-25. Long-term stor-
age systems are the above mentioned established pump storage power plants, but
as well compressed air storage systems in underground caverns are considered as a
technical solution [12]. Hydrogen can be fuelled directly in biogas plants (e.g.
demonstration hybrid power plant Uckermark by Enertrag) or stored by feeding
into the German gas distribution system. This is designed allowing several percent
of Hydrogen in the gas mixture and has in Germany a huge storage capacity of 90
days gas supply for the entire country.
In order to allow higher transmission capacities in the existing electrical grid,
temperature monitoring of the overhead power lines has been successfully tested,
something which is technically quite simple to perform. Power line capacity is
currently being determined on the basis of a worst-case scenario which occurs at
special meteorological conditions without any wind. Wind farms would benefit
from power line temperature monitoring because when the power production is
high due to strong winds, the cooling of power lines by the wind is as well strong.
14.2 Wind turbines in the interconnected electrical grid
14.2.1 Technical requirements of the grid connection
Fig. 14-11 shows the electrical equivalent circuit diagram of a typical wind turbine
grid connection to the medium-voltage grid. A distinction is drawn between the
wind turbine connection point at the feed line with the transformer, which in-
creases the voltage level, and the grid connection point. The latter is critical for
determining the potential grid connection capacity, which is given by the short-
circuit power at the grid connection point and the relevant properties of the feed
line with the transformer given in Fig. 14-11 as well. The maximum admissible
feed-in power P
at the grid connection point in the German medium-voltage
grid (20 kV) is 2% of the grid’s short-circuit power S
which is derived from the
nominal voltage U
and the short-circuit impedance Z
between the source and
the considered grid connection point: