546 Index
Site selection 161
Slip 385
- control 437
- manipulation 437
- ring rotor 385
- ring rotor induction machine 393
- ring asynchronous generator 436
Soil spring stiffness 320
Solidity 184
Spatial and temporal scale 127
Specific annual energy yield 512
Specific electricity generation costs 511
Specific nacelle mass 108
Specific speed 336
Specific torque 109
Spectral representation 138
Spoiler 406
Spring sails 25
Spur gears 79
Squirrel-cage rotor 385, 433
- induction machine 393
Stand-alone operation 428, 443
Stand-alone wind turbine 451
Standard for windturbines 307
- IEC 61400 149, 308
Star connection 382, 433
Star point 381
Start-up 212, 217, 222, 225
- range of Ȝ < Ȝ
Steam engine 28
Step-up converter 397, 439
Strain analysis 325
Streamline 250, 253
-from a CFD simulation 254
Structural damping 327
Structural dynamics 272
Subcritical operation 287
Sub-synchronous 440
Sub-system 294
Suction side 176
Supercritical operation 287
Super-synchronous 440
Supervisory system 435, 400
Surface boundary layer 119
Surface contour 124
Surface inclination 161
Surface roughness 119
Switching-on procedure 472
Synchronisation 377
Synchronous machine 376, 380, 438
Synthetic S/N curve 323
Take-over 503
Tangential force 182
Technological development 11
Teetering hinge 59
Teetering hub 63
Tensile stress 262
Terrain inclination 153
Thermal engine 114
Thermal stratification 119
Three point support 74, 75
Three-bladed rotor 277
Three-dimensional effect 240
Three-dimensional wind velocity field 62
Three-phase alternator 363
Three-phase machine 380
Thrust 171, 221, 260
- coefficient 145, 212
- coefficient for different pitch angles 228
- coefficient versus tip speed
ratio 214, 216
- force 210
Thyristor 366, 394, 434
Tilting rotor 420
Time history 138
- of vibration excitation 273
Time serie 300
Time per revolution 280
Tip loss 188, 190
Tip speed 50
Tip speed ratio 26, 49, 257
Tip spoiler 432
Topography 161
- description 122
Torque 210, 221, 260, 372, 378
- and speed converter 77
- coefficient 212
- coefficient for different pitch angles 227
- coefficient versus tip speed
ratio 214, 216
- of a centrifugal pump 348
- of a piston pump 348
- speed characteristic 391
Torsional damper 293
Torsional spring 293
Total blade twist 200
Total twist angle 197
Tower 94
- analysis 317
- dam 278
- design, soft 96
- design, stiff 96
- mill 21