444 13.2 Wind turbines for stand-alone operation
13.2.1 Battery chargers
Battery chargers have small power ratings. Typical values range from a few watts
to approx. 1.5 kW. This implies small rotor diameters (0.5 to 3.0 m), and relatively
high rotor speeds. The gearbox which is usually necessary between generator and
rotor is not needed here. Directly driven synchronous generators with a medium or
large number of poles (8 to 20 poles) are used.
For the selection of the aerodynamic profiles the low Reynolds numbers of the
flow around the blades have to be taken into account (Re = w c/
< 100 000). Suit-
able profiles for this range are found in catalogues of aerodynamic profiles for
model airplanes (e.g. [4] in chapter 5 of this book).
In order to determine the stationary operating behaviour, the familiar equivalent
circuit diagram of the AC synchronous machine is extended to include the load
and the rectifier (RF). Fig. 13-14b shows the resulting load curves. Below the
threshold speed, the generator voltage is lower than the sum of the voltage pro-
vided by battery charger and rectifier. Hence, there is no power output. Above the
threshold speed, there is a steep increase in power transfer, similar to the power
curve of the synchronous machine with a resistive load, see section 11.1, Fig.
For a battery charger with a constant load, two types of operation can be distin-
guished. For low wind speeds, the battery provides the largest part of the required
power. The wind turbine operates at its power optimum (A) if it is a well designed
machine. For high wind speeds or small loads, the energy output of the wind tur-
bine exceeds the demand of the load, and has to be limited (B), therefore.
For a generator with an excitation winding, this can be achieved by adjusting
the excitation current so that the critical battery voltage is reached, but not ex-
ceeded. Fig. 13-14b shows that the power consumption is then limited, and that
the wind turbine gradually transitions to idling for higher wind speeds. If the rotor
is designed with a high tip speed ratio, limiting measures for the rotational speed
are required, e.g. by tilting, see Fig.12-19 in chapter 12.
Small battery chargers which use permanent magnets for the excitation have no
need for control of the charging current. In this case, the charging power is simply
limited by the value of the generator inductance (Fig. 11-9) or by an additional in-
ductance connected in series, Fig. 13-15. For these components, the impedance
= :L
) increases with the frequency. In this way the battery charging cur-
rent is limited. This arrangement is shown in Fig. 13-15. If the battery storage is
large in relation to the installed generator capacity, an overcharging of the battery
is hardly possible.
In order to make better use of the advantages of excitation with permanent
magnets (good efficiency and low wear), devices from power electronics have to
be incorporated. Due to the constant excitation of the synchronous generator, the
generated voltage is proportional to the rotational speed.