4.5 A new approach to hard rock quarry rehabilitation 80
5.1 Regional distribution of selected crops, 1996 95
5.2 Regional distribution of selected livestock, 1996 97
5.3 Regional distribution of selected types of farming, 1996 100
6.1 The railway network in 1998 114
6.2 The motorway and principal road network in 1998 117
6.3 Light rail transport systems in major cities 120
6.4 Changes in maritime trade, 1986–96 124
7.1 Employment, output and investment in manufacturing, 1985–97 132
7.2 Imports and exports of finished manufactured goods, 1981–96 132
7.3 Balance of trade in finished manufactured goods, 1981–96 133
8.1 Change in employment by sector and region, 1981–97 152
8.2 Change in employment by gender and region, 1981–97 154
8.3 Regional unemployment differentials, 1979–98 155
8.4 Unemployment rates by region, 1979, 1998 156
8.5 The geography of economic ‘recovery’, 1993–7 157
8.6 Job gap by gender, 1993–7 158
9.1 Deaths, births and fertility, 1945–96 171
9.2 Net migration between the South and the rest of the UK, 1971–96 178
9.3 Population change, 1951–91 180
9.4 Population change for inner areas of London and England’s six Principal
Metropolitan Cities 181
9.5 Population change by age group, 1971–2021 184
9.6 Composition of households, 1961–96 186
10.1 Framework of local labour-market areas 191
10.2 Housebuilding completions and council house sales 195
10.3 Regional shopping centres, 1996 199
10.4 Incivilities and neighbourhood change 202
10.5 Numerical distribution of Afro-Caribbeans and Indians, 1991 205
10.6 Location of UDCs in England and Wales 208
12.1 Infant mortality rates, 1950–3 233
12.2 Infant mortality rates, 1990–2 233
12.3 Mortality rates, ages 1–4, 1950–3 234
12.4 Mortality rates, ages 1–4, 1990–2 234
12.5 Mortality rates, ages 5–14, 1950–3 235
12.6 Mortality rates, ages 5–14, 1990–2 235
12.7 Mortality rates, ages 15–44, 1950–3 236
12.8 Mortality rates, ages 15–44, 1990–2 236
12.9 Mortality rates, ages 45–64, 1950–3 237
12.10 Mortality rates, ages 45–64, 1990–2 237
12.11 Age standardised mortality ratios (under 65), 1950–3 239
12.12 Age standardised mortality ratios (under 65), 1990–2 239
13.1 Theme parks, Center Parcs and music festivals 263
13.2 Heritage, shopping, club culture and ‘TV Tourism’ 266
14.1 Distribution of ethnic groups, 1991 280
14.2 Canal Street: ‘before’ and ‘after’ reinvestment in Manchester’s Gay Village 285