Dover 16, 20, 21, 25, 124, 372–3
Drever, F. 244, 246, 247, 248, 250, 252
drought 27, 346, 347, 362, 408, 416, 431
drug addiction 6, 253–4, 256
DTI see Department of Trade and Industry
Dudley 114, 198, 199
Dumplington 119, 199
Dundee 49, 114, 297, 299, 477
Dunford, M. 152, 153, 158, 159
Dunnell, K. 173, 174, 183
earth resources 61–83; waste materials 71–2,
76–7, 339; see also energy; minerals
Earth Summit (UNCED, Rio) 74, 87, 201, 340,
408, 438; pollution 386, 402; see also
Agenda 21
earthquakes 373, 374
East Anglia: agriculture 87, 95, 96, 100;
consensus 318–20; demography 176, 177–8;
environment and resources see East Anglia,
environment and resources of; labour
markets 151, 152, 154–8, 162; leisure and
consumption 262, 263, 265, 266, 270; life
expectancy 233–9 passim; local government
297; manufacturing industry 133–8, 144–5,
147; multiculturalism 280; transport 113,
114, 117, 123; urban areas 191, 193, 197
East Anglia, environment and resources of:
climate 363–4, 407, 416–17, 426, 429, 430;
conservation 455, 456; energy 49, 51, 55,
58; geohazards 339, 344, 346–7, 352–3,
355, 358, 360; land 372, 373, 374, 376–7;
pollution 392; water 12, 13, 15, 20, 21, 23,
25, 28
East Midlands: agriculture 87, 95, 96, 100;
consensus 318–20; demography 177–8, 185;
dis(United Kingdom) 328, 331; environment
and resources see East Midlands,
environment and resources of; labour
markets 151, 152, 154–8, 162, 164; leisure
and consumption 262, 263, 271; life
expectancy 233–9 passim; local government
297; manufacturing industry 131, 133–8,
140, 144–5; multiculturalism 280; transport
108, 114, 117, 119, 121–2; urban areas 191,
193, 204, 206
East Midlands, environment and resources of:
climate 363–4, 365, 369, 407; conservation
455, 456; energy 47, 52, 55, 58, 61, 67, 68,
70, 72, 73, 80, 81; geohazards 339, 351,
352–3, 355; land 372, 373, 374, 375, 376–8;
pollution 383, 392; water 13, 14, 28
economy: Keynesianism 151, 159–60, 163,
316; monetarism 161, 303, 305, 316; see
also costs; industry; resources; taxation
Edinburgh 18, 207, 266; devolution 322, 326;
environment 203, 369; life expectancy 232,
232; local government 297, 299; transport
108, 113, 114, 117, 119, 121, 122–3
education and training 5, 7, 223, 292, 299, 323;
labour markets 162, 163, 165; local
government 302, 312; social futures 473,
electoral changes 307–10
electricity generation 10, 15, 34, 35, 42, 43, 53–
8, 55, 58; environment and pollution 337,
338, 370, 393–5; privatised 45–6; see also
employment see labour markets
energy 32–60, 431; changing geographies 47–
57; changing markets 32–46; consumption
33–5, 37, 41–2, 51, 52–4; global influences
34–7; history 33; production 33, 36, 48, 51;
public policy 43–7; ratio 41–2; renewable
54–7; reserves 37–41, 59; trade 33, 35–6,
48–50, 52; see also coal; natural gas;
nuclear power; oil
England and Wales (generally): agriculture 93–
4, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100; energy 43–58 passim;
life expectancy 231, 233–9 passim, 250;
rural areas 215–26 passim, 227; transport
114, 117; water resources 9–29 passim; see
also climate; conservation; demography;
dis(UnitedKingdom); environment; future;
labour; leisure; local government;
manufacturing; multiculturalism; pollution;
resources; urban areas
English Nature 74, 440, 457–61 passim, 464,
Enterprise Zones 198, 203, 209
environment: agriculture 87, 102–3, 447–8;
climate change 428–31; futures 484–9;
government and policy see under regulation;
mining 69–70, 72–4, 80, 339, 347, 373–4;
regulation see under regulation; social
futures 471, 475–6, 481; transport 125–6;
urban 200–1, 203, 337, 356–7, 365, 366,
369, 384, 385, 402, 486; see also climate
change; conservation; human occupance and
environment; pollution; and under
individual regions
Environment Agency 360, 408; conservation
440, 441, 442, 451; pollution 382, 387, 388,
397, 400, 403; water resources 11–12, 16,