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Further reading
Early surveys of productionist agriculture are provided in J.T.Coppock (1976) An Agricultural
Atlas of England and Wales (London: Faber and Faber) and (1976) An Agricultural Atlas of
Scotland (Edinburgh: Donald); later interpretations can be found in G.M.Robinson (1988)
Agricultural Change —Geographical Studies of British Agriculture (Edinburgh: North British
Publishing); I.R.Bowler (1991) ‘The agricultural pattern’, in R.J.Johnston, and V.Gardiner
(eds) The Changing Geography of the United Kingdom, (London: Routledge, 83–114); I.
R.Bowler (ed.) (1992) The Geography of Agriculture in Developed Market Economies
(London: Longman); and D.Britton (ed.) Agriculture in Britain: Changing Pressures and
Policies (Wallingford: CAB International).
The restructuring of agriculture, including agri-environmental policy, is considered
by different authors in various chapters of the following edited books: B.Ilbery (ed.) (1997)
The Geography of Rural Change (London: Longman); B.Ilbery, Q.Chiotti and T.Rickard
(eds) (1997) Agricultural Restructuring and Sustainability: a Geographical Perspective
(Wallingford: CAB International); N.Curry and S.Owen (eds) (1996) Changing Rural Policy
in Britain (Cheltenham: Countryside & Community Press); and I.Bowler, C.Bryant and
M.D.Nellis (eds) (1992) Contemporary Rural Systems in Transition: Agriculture and
Environment (Wallingford: CAB International).
More specific topics are covered by individual papers in journals, such as: A.Flynn
and T. Marsden (1992) ‘Food regulation in a period of agricultural retreat: the British
experience’, Geoforum 23, 85–93; T.Marsden, R.Munton, N.Ward and S.Whatmore (1996)
‘Agricultural geography and the political economy approach: a review’, Economic
Geography 72, 361–75; I.Bowler and B.Ilbery (1989) ‘The spatial restructuring of agriculture
in the English counties’, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 80: 302–11;