run using any sharp cutting instrument. Care
should be taken to avoid damaging any
image area during this process.
Precurving Plates. When plates are to be
mounted on small diameter cylinders, it is
recommended that the plate be precurved.
This is done to prevent lifting during the
pressrun. The precurving procedure relaxes
the plate and increases conformity to the
curvature of the plate cylinder. Plates are
precurved by heating the plate in a tempera-
ture-controlled oven (plate dryer) to 140° F
(60° C) for 10 to 15 minutes. The warm plate
is then covered with a piece of polyester slip
sheet and rolled in the print direction with
the print face outward to approximately the
print cylinder size (Figure
). The rolled
plate is then allowed to cool to room tem-
perature for at least four hours.
Mounting Tapes (Stickyback). Plates may be
mounted with any commercially available
double-sided tape called stickyback. High-
tack tapes are recommended for mounting
photopolymer plates, especially on small
diameter cylinders. Tapes should be of uni-
form thickness to get the most out of gauge-
controlled platemaking. Often, “highs and
lows” in printing are mistakenly blamed on
the plate, when they are really caused by
uneven mounting tape or air entrapment.
There are many types of tapes available and
tape should be chosen based on its tack and
cushion properties for the job being printed.
Edge Sealing. Plate-edge sealant will prevent
ink and solvents from attacking the adhesive
tape during printing and plate washup. After
the plates have been set onto the adhesive
tape, the edge seal should be applied in a
fine bead around the plate border. The
sealant must be allowed to dry thoroughly
before wrapping cylinders to continue set-
ting of plates onto the adhesive.
Demounting Plates. If plates are to be stored
and reused, care should be taken when
demounting from the double-sided mount-
ing tape. Rubber plates can be stretched or
torn, and photopolymer plates may be sus-
ceptible to delamination from their poly-
ester backing or kinking of the polyester
backing. Special medium-tack double-sided
mounting tape is available for de-mountable
Proper plate washup on press can length-
en plate life. Plates should be washed imme-
diately after printing with the correct plate-
wash solution before the ink has time to set.
Plate manufacturers’ suggestions should be
followed when determining which plate
wash to use. Plates should never be
scrubbed using a wire- or stiff-bristled brush.
Ample quantities of the correct solvent, or
prepared plate wash, should be used in con-
junction with a lint-free cloth that will cut
the ink without hurting the plate material.
The plate should be swabbed gently until the
ink loosens and can be sponged off with a
second cloth. Final drying may be achieved
using a soft, absorbent paper. Forced air
may also be used to blow away the residual
solvent and lint.
Note: When cleaning plates on the cylin-
ders, care should be taken not to let the sol-
vent or cleaning agent get under the sticky-
back. That can cause the plate to lift from
Precurving plates
relaxes the plate and
increases conformity to
the curvature of the
plate cylinder, thereby
preventing plate lift
during the pressrun.