Environmental Encyclopedia 3
General Index
“Macroorgansm’ concept, Herbertson,
A. J., I:426
MACT (Maxiumum achievable con-
trol technology), II:939
Mad cow disease, I:858–861, I:860,
Madagascar, I:861
Magnesium oxide, scrubbing, I:567
Magnetic separation, I:861, II:1184
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conserva-
tion and Management Act (1976),
I:287, I:525–526
Mahogany trade ban (Brazil), II:1171
The Making of a Counterculture,
The Making of a Radical, II:967
Malaria, I:290–291, I:368, I:447,
I:861–862, II:1455
Malaysia, water pollution, II:1480
Male contraceptives, I:861–862
Malthus, Thomas Robert, I:271,
I:493, II:1117–1118
Man and the Biosphere Program
(MAB), I:154–155, I:863–864
Man in Nature, Marsh, George Per-
kins, I:493, I:878
Manatees, I:864–865, I:865
Manganese nodules, undersea mining,
Mangrove swamps, I:866, I:866–867,
“Man’s Role in Changing the Face of
the Earth” (1955), I:494
Manure. See Fertilizer
Map data and projections, GIS,
Maquiladoras, II:989
Marasmus, I:867
Mariculture, I:867–869
See also Aquaculture; Blue revolu-
tion (fish farming); Ocean
Marine ecology and biodiversity,
Marine ecosystems, I:871
Bay of Fundy, I:115–117
ecological productivity, II:1438
impact of ocean dumping, II:1009,
Marine fouling, I:134–135, I:136
Marine Habitat Program, II:1006
Marine mammal mortality, II:1268
bycatch, I:194–195, I:287, I:640
floatable debris, I:562
Marine Mammal Protection Act
(MMPA) (1972), I:605–606,
Marine Mammal Stranding Program,
Marine pollution, I:872–874, I:876,
II:1009–1010, II:1481
Cousteau’s documentaries, I:331
See also Red tides
major coastal pollutants, II:1482t
Mediterranean Sea, I:892–893
neritic zones, II:969
New York Bight, II:972
Santa Barbara (CA), II:1249–1250
South Pacific, II:1248–1249
as transboundary issue, II:1421
See also Red tides; Water pollution
Marine protected areas, I:874–876,
I:876–877, II:1143–1144
Marine Protection, Research and Sanc-
tuaries Act (1972), I:876–877,
Marine provinces, I:877
Marinette County v. Just (1972), I:499
Marion, Wayne, on wildlife rehabilita-
tion, II:1523
Marketing recycled materials, II:1178,
II:1179–1180, II:1326, II:1328–
used oil, II:1449
MARPOL. See International Conven-
tion for the Prevention of Pollu-
tion from Ships (MARPOL)
Marsh, George Perkins, I:493, I:878
Marshall Islands, II:1248–1249
Marshall, Robert, I:878–879, II:1511,
II:1512, II:1513
Mass burn, I:879–880, II:1325
Mass extinction, I:450, I:880–882
See also Die-offs; Extinction
Mass-marking program for hatchery
fish, II:1241
Mass spectrometry, I:882
Mass transit, I:882–884, II:1425
Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction
Act (MTURA) (1989), I:517,
Massachusetts Water Resources Au-
thority (MWRA), I:174
MATC (minimum acceptable toxicant
concentration), I:249
Material Safety Data Sheets, I:446,
Materials balance approach, I:884–885
Materials degradation, air pollution,
I:30, I:31
Materials recovery. See Resource re-
Materials Recovery Facility (MRF),
II:1177, II:1178, II:1179, II:1180
Mather, Stephen (National Park Ser-
vice), II:953–954
Maunder minimum (1645–1715),
Maximum Contaminant Levels
(MCLs), I:171, II:1191
nitrates in drinking water, I:171
Maximum permissible concentration,
Maxiumum achievable control technol-
ogy (MACT), II:939
Mayak nuclear complex, Chelyabinsk,
Russia, I:230–231
Mayflies as bioindicators, I:140,
McDonalds Corporation, Waste reduc-
tion, I:475
McDonough, Bill, I:476–478, II:1380
McGreal, Shirley, International Pri-
mate Protection League, I:767–
McHarg, Ian Lennox, I:885–886
McIntosh, Robert, on Frederic E.
Clements, I:264–265
McKibben, Bill Ernest, I:886–887
Meadows, Denis, Limits to Growth
(1972) and Beyond the Limits
(1992), I:838–839
Meadows, Donella, Limits to Growth
(1972) and Beyond the Limits
(1992), I:271–272
Measurement and sensing, I:3, I:887–
889, II:1056–1057
See also Environmental monitoring
Mechanical dredging, I:380
Media coverage, environmental his-
tory, I:494
Mediation (environmental dispute reso-
lution), I:478
Medical uses of kudzu, I:798
Medical waste, I:748, I:876, I:889–
Medical Waste Tracking Act (1988)
(pilot program), I:889–890
Medicine, use of radioactive isotopes,
II:1161, II:1163
Mediterranean fruit fly, I:891–892
Mediterranean Sea, I:892–893
Megawatts, I:893
Mekong River project, II:1475–1476
Membrane filters, I:557, II:1490
Mendes, Chico, I:893, I:893–894
Meramec River (MO), flooding,
Mercalli Scale, I:405
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