Environmental Encyclopedia 3
General Index
Grazing Service and the General Land
Office (GLO) (BLM predeces-
sor), I:190
Great Barrier Reef, I:101, I:658–660,
Great Lakes, I:660–661, II:949,
II:1235–1236, II:1293
double-crested cormorants, I:377–
sand dune ecology, II:1246
See also Lake Erie
Great Lakes Water Quality
Agreement (1978), I:661–662
Great Smoky Mountains, I:662–663,
II:954, II:955
Green advertising and marketing,
I:663–664, II:1340
Green belts/greenways, I:664–665
Green Cross, I:665–666
Green packaging, I:666
Green plans, I:666–667
Canada, I:469
Green politics, I:667–669, I:675,
Green products, I:663–664, I:669
Blue Angel certification (Ger-
many), I:169
certification, I:669–670
“certified wood”, I:648–649
Eco Mark certification (Japan),
See also Environmentally preferable
Green revolution. See Agricultural revo-
Green Seal, I:669–670, I:670
Green taxes, I:670–671
European Environmental Agency
(EEA) report, I:218
See also Carbon tax; Effluent tax;
Energy taxes; Gasoline tax
Greenhouse effect, I:671–674, I:673,
carbon offsets, I:214–216
hydrologic cycle, I:740
research by Svante Arrhenius, I:81
Greenhouse gases, I:674, I:707
emissions trading, I:211–214
international cooperation, I:217,
I:799–801, II:1436
IPCC, I:761–762
nitrous oxides, II:978
Greening of Academia program, I:226
Greenpeace, I:674–675, II:1339
Greens, I:150, I:675
See also Environmental activism
“Greenscam”, I:826
Greenways, I:664–665
Grinevald, Jacques, I:675–676
Grizzly bears, I:676–678, I:677,
II:1522, II:1544
Grotius, Hugo, I:318, II:1386
Groundwater, I:678–679, II:1020,
II:1487, II:1490
Groundwater monitoring, I:679
Groundwater pollution, I:679–681,
I:705, I:926, II:1173, II:1276,
agricultural runoff, I:24
aquifer depletion, I:71–72
bioremediation, I:150–152
contaminated soil leaching, I:315
Hanford Nuclear Reservation,
injection well risk, I:756
Karst topography, II:1294
leaking underground storage tanks
(LUST), I:833–834
sources, I:680
See also Water pollution
Growth curve, I:681
Growth hormones, cattle, I:21
Growth limiting factors, I:681–682
Growth monitoring, child survival,
Grumbine, R. Edward, definition of
’ecosystem management’, I:429
Guam, brown tree snake infestation,
Guanacaste dry forest (Costa Rica),
Guano, I:682, II:1438
A Guide for the Perplexed, II:1257
Guinea worm eradication, I:683
Gulf of Mexico, hypoxia, I:350–351
Gulf War Syndrome, I:684–686
Gullied land, I:686
Gully erosion, I:522, I:686
Gusum (Sweden), iron ore smelter,
Gypsy moth, I:686–687, I:687
Haagen-Smit, Arie Jan, I:689
Habitat, I:689–690
Defenders of Wildlife, I:357
Ducks Unlimited, I:391–392
Essential Fish Habitat (EFH),
game animals, I:614–616
mangrove swamps, I:866
vs. niche, I:422–423
tropical rain forests, II:1428–1429
wildlife management, II:1519–
See also Critical habitat
Habitat conservation plans (HCPs),
I:287, I:690–691
Habitat fragmentation, I:691–692
Habitat loss or fragmentation, I:133,
I:864, II:1168, II:1170, II:1518
brown pelican populations, I:183
California condor, I:203
clear-cutting, I:263
Florida panther, I:564
Georges Bank, I:634
Gibbons, I:638
Hawaiian Islands, I:698
Ivory-billed woodpecker, I:781–
mining, II:1362
monarch butterfly, I:914–915
neotropical migrants, II:968,
orangutans, II:1032–1033
pollinators, II:1104–1105
power lines, II:1423
prairie in 19th century, II:1126
river dolphins, II:1219
tigers, II:1401
wildlife refuges, II:1521–1522
See also Environmental degra-
Habitat manipulation, I:71, I:293
Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp Au-
gust, I:692, I:692
Haiti, pollution, II:1394
Half-life, I:692–693, II:1069
Hallucinogenic plants, I:528
Halogens. See specific halogens by name
Halons, I:693–694, I:918, II:1048–
Hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus), accli-
mation experiments, I:3
Hanford Nuclear Reservation, I:694–
696, II:1156–1157, II:1160
Hard energy path, I:462–463
’hard look“ test, environmental law,
Hardin, Garrett, I:597, I:696–697,
Hargrove, Eugene C., I:225
Harshberger, John, I:528
Hatfield, Charles (rainmaker), II:1496
Hawaiian honeycreepers, I:133, I:697–
Hawaiian Islands, I:697–699
Hayes, Denis, I:399, I:699, I:699–700
Hazard assessment, II:1215
Hazard Communication Standard,
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