Environmental Encyclopedia 3
Aquatic chemistry
solid water of glacial ice and more-ephemeral snow, rime,
and frost; and (3) vapor water of cloud, fog, and the general
. More than 97% of the total quantity of water
in the hydrosphere occurs in the oceans, while about 2% is
glacial ice, and less than 1% is
. Only about
0.01% occurs in freshwater lakes, and the quantities in other
compartments are even smaller.
Each compartment of water in the hydrosphere has
its own characteristic chemistry. Seawater has a relatively
large concentration of inorganic solutes (about 3.5%), domi-
nated by the ions chloride (1.94%), sodium (1.08%), sulfate
(0.27%), magnesium (0.13%), calcium (0.041%), potassium
(0.049%), and bicarbonate (0.014%).
Surface waters such as lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams
are highly variable in their chemical composition. Saline and
soda lakes of
regions have total salt concentrations that
can substantially exceed that of seawater. Lakes such as Great
Salt Lake in Utah and the Dead Sea in Israel can have salt
concentrations that exceed 25%. The shores of such lakes
are caked with a crystalline rime of evaporate minerals, which
are sometimes mined for industrial use.
The most chemically dilute surface waters are lakes in
watersheds with hard, slowly
bedrock and soils.
Such lakes can have total salt concentrations of less than
0.001%. For example, Beaverskin Lake in Nova Scotia has
very clear, dilute water that is chemically dominated by chlo-
ride, sodium, and sulfate, in concentrations of two-thirds of
the norm for surface water or less, with only traces of calcium,
usually most abundant, and no silica. A nearby body of
water, Big Red Lake, has a similarly dilute concentration of
inorganic ions but, because it receives
from a bog,
its chemistry also includes a large concentration of dissolved
, mainly comprised of humic/fulvic acids
that stain the water a dark brown and greatly inhibit the
penetration of sunlight.
The water of precipitation is considerably more dilute
than that of surface waters, with concentrations of sulfate,
calcium, and magnesium of one-fortieth to one-hundredth
of surface water levels, but adding small amounts of nitrate
and ammonium. Chloride and sodium concentrations de-
pend on proximity to salt water. For example, precipitation
at a remote site in Nova Scotia, only 31 mi (50 km) from
the Atlantic Ocean, will have six to 10 times as much sodium
and chloride as a similarly remote location in northern On-
Acid rain
is associated with the presence of relatively
large concentrations of sulfate and nitrate in precipitation
water. If the negative electrical charges of the sulfate and
nitrate anions cannot be counterbalanced by positive charges
of the cations sodium, calcium, magnesium, and ammonium,
ions go into solution, making the water
Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest
, New Hamp-
shire, within an
of industrial,
, and
residential emissions from the northeastern United States
and eastern Canada, receives a substantially acidic precipita-
tion, with an average
of about 4.1. At Hubbard Brook,
sulfate and nitrate together contribute 87% of the anion-
equivalents in precipitation. Because cations other than the
can only neutralize about 29% of those anion
charges, hydrogen ions must go into solution, making the
precipitation acidic.
Fogwaters can have much larger chemical concentra-
tions, mostly because the inorganic
in fogwater
droplets are less diluted by water than in rain and snow. For
example, fogwater on Mount Moosilauke, New Hampshire,
has average sulfate and nitrate concentrations about nine
times more than in rainfall there, with ammonium eight
times more, sodium seven times more, and potassium and
the hydrogen ion three times more.
The above descriptions deal with chemicals present
in relatively large concentrations in water. Often, however,
chemicals that are present in much smaller concentrations
can be of great environmental importance.
For example, in freshwaters phosphate is the
that most frequently limits the productivity of plants, and
therefore, of the aquatic
. If the average concen-
tration of phosphate in lake water is less than about 10 g/
l, then the algae productivity will be very small, and the lake
is classified as
. Lakes with phosphate concen-
trations ranging from about 10–35 g/l are mesotrophic,
those with 35–100 g/l are eutrophic, and those with more
than 100 /l are very productive, and very green, hypertro-
phic waterbodies. In a few exceptional cases, the productivity
of freshwater may be limited by
, silica, or carbon,
and sometimes by unusual micronutrients. For example, the
productivity of
in Castle Lake, California,
has been shown to be limited by the availability of the trace
metal, molybdenum.
Sometimes, chemicals present in trace concentrations
in water can be toxic to plants and animals, causing substan-
tial ecological changes. An important characteristic of acidic
waters is their ability to solubilize
from minerals,
producing ionic aluminum. In non-acidic waters, ionic alu-
minum is generally present in minute quantities, but in very
acidic waters when pH is less than 2, attainable by
mine drainage
, soluble-aluminum concentrations can rise
drastically. Although some aquatic biota are physiologically
tolerant of these aluminum ions, other
, such as fish,
suffer toxicity and may disappear from acidified waterbodies.
Many aquatic species cannot tolerate even small quantities
of ionic aluminum. Many ecologists believe that aluminum
ions are responsible for most of the toxicity of acidic waters
and also of acidic soils.