Environmental Encyclopedia 3
Aquarium trade
Lee, J. S., and M. E. Newman. Aquaculture Today—An Introduction. Illinois:
Interstate Publishers, 1992.
Parker, N. C. “History, Status, and Future of Aquaculture in the United
States.” CRC Critical Reviews in Aquatic Science. 1 (1989): 97–109.
Stickney, R. R. Principles of Aquaculture. New York: Wiley, 1994.
World Aquaculture Society. “World Aquaculture—A Special Section on
Aquaculture Research and Development Around the World.” World Aqua-
culture 27 (1996): 7–30.
Aquarium trade
International trade in live fish and other marine
international aquarium hobby market. Most fish, corals, and
other marine aquarium species traded internationally are
collected live from tropical and subtropical coral reefs, espe-
cially in the Philippines, Indonesia, and other Asian coun-
tries. Nearly half the world aquarium fish market is in the
United States. Although the capture and marketing of live
reef species provides a significant income source in remote
communities, international trade has alarmed conservation-
ists and environmentalists because of harmful collecting
methods. A majority of live tropical fish are captured with
sodium cyanide (NaCN), a highly toxic and inexpensive
powdered poison. Divers use squirt bottles containing a cya-
nide solution or drop cyanide tablets into reef crevices where
fish hide. The poison stuns the fish, making them easy to
capture, and the fish usually recover after a few minutes.
Fish are transferred to holding tanks on ships and then
transported to international wholesalers. From 70–90% of
fish captured with cyanide die later, however, due to damage
to the liver, stomach, and other tissues. Another problem
common in salt water aquaria is “sudden death syndrome,”
when fish inexplicably die soon after they are introduced to
the aquarium. Some researchers attribute the syndrome to
cyanide, which is stored in tissues during transport. Fish are
often not fed during storage, but when they begin to eat in
their new aquarium, or if they undergo even mild shock,
the cyanide is released into the blood stream and kills the
fish. Although solid figures are impossible to establish, esti-
mates of the proportion of tropical live fish caught with
cyanide are 75% or higher worldwide, and 90% in some
The reefs where fish are captured fare as badly as the
fish: one study found all cyanide-treated corals dead within
three months after treatment. Coral reefs also suffer physical
damage as divers break off chunks of coral to retrieve stunned
fish. Despite harm to reefs and high fish
cyanide is considered the most cost effective method to
capture popular species such as angel fish and trigger fish.
Peter Rubec, a researcher with the International Ma-
rinelife Alliance, reports that an exporter operating from
Manila initiated the export of marine fish from the Philip-
pines in 1957. With almost 2,200 fish species, the Philip-
pines has the highest reef fish diversity in the world, includ-
ing 200 species that are commonly exported for the marine
pet fish industry. In 1986 Filipino reefs provided as much
as 80% of the world’s tropical marine fish, a number that
fell only to 70% by 1997. From 1970–1980 exports rose
from 1,863,000 lb (845,000 kg) of live fish packed in water
to 4.41 million lb (2 million kg) worth $2 billion dollars.
Since then export numbers have fallen in the Philippines,
as stocks have thinned and the trade has diversified to other
countries, but in 1986 the country’s marine tropical fish
trade was worth $10 million dollars. Worldwide the value
of aquarium fish was $100 million dollars, plus corals and
other supplies.
Cyanide fishing was first introduced in the Philippines
in about 1962. The technique has since spread to Indonesia,
New Guinea, and other regions where live fish are caught.
Cyanide has since been banned in the Philippines and Indo-
nesia, but enforcement is difficult because fishing vessels are
dispersed, often in hard-to-reach sections of remote islands.
Despite legal bans, an estimated 375,000 lb (170,000 kg) of
cyanide is still used each year in the Philippines. Cyanide
fishing boats have even exploited established marine pre-
serves and parks, such as Indonesia’s Take Bone Atoll. Fur-
thermore, as enforcement mechanisms develop, cyanide fish-
ing can quickly spread to other countries, where laws are
still weak or lacking.
The greatest problems of the live reef fish trade result
from its mobility. The frontier of cyanide fishing has moved
steadily through Southeast Asia to tropical Pacific islands
and even across the Indian Ocean to the Seychelles and
Tanzania, as fertile reefs have disappeared and as govern-
ments caught on to their fishing practices and began to
impose laws restricting the use of cyanide and explosives.
Since the market is international and lucrative, it does not
matter where the fish are caught. Furthermore, fish exporters
succeed best if they continually explore new, unexploited
reefs where more unusual and exotic fish can be found. The
migratory nature of the industry makes it easy for fishing
vessels to move on as soon as a country begins to enact or
enforce limits on their activities.
Starting in 1984 international
have worked to introduce net fishing as a less harmful fishing
alternative that still allows divers to retain their income from
live fish. To catch fish with nets, divers may use a stick to
drive fish from their hiding places in the reef and then trap
the fish with a fine mesh net. Reports indicate that long-
term survival rates of net-caught fish may be as high as 90%,
compared to as little as 10% among cyanide-caught fish. In
Hawaii and
, where legal controls are more effec-
tive than in Southeast Asia, nets are used routinely. Although
the aquarium industry has provided little aid in the effort
to increase net-fishing, local communities in the Philippines