446 15 Fluid Flows of Small Reynolds Numbers
to the flow around a stationary sphere in a viscous fluid. The specific fluid
motion is characterized by a sphere of radius R, the fluid velocity U
density ρ and the dynamic viscosity µ. From these, the Reynolds number of
the flow problem is computed with ν = µ/ρ:
Re =
< 1. (15.88)
Stokes (1851) was the first to solve the problem of the translatory motion
of a sphere in a viscous fluid by considering only the pressure and viscosity
terms in the Navier–Stokes equations and neglecting all other terms in the
equations of motion. The same procedure is shown below. In this context,
a stationary sphere, located in the center of a Cartesian coordinate system,
is assumed in the subsequent considerations. For this flow case the following
boundary conditions hold:
= U
= U
=0 for r = R
with r =
+ x
+ x
, as shown in Fig. 15.8. This figure shows the sphere
whose center is at the origin of a Cartesian coordinate system. Relative to
this system, the coordinates of the spheres r, φ, θ are also indicated, which are
subsequently employed for the treatment of the flow around the considered
sphere. The surface of the sphere is located at r = R. Because of this assump-
tion of the location of the flow boundary, it is advantageous to take the basic
equations of fluid mechanics, for the solution of the flow around a sphere, in
spherical coordinates. In this way, the boundary conditions, imposed by the
presence of the sphere, can be included much more easily into the solution
of the flow problem, as if the treatment of the flow in Cartesian coordinates
was sought.
The following considerations are based on the diagram in Fig. 15.8. At
infinity, i.e. for r →±∞, the following values for the velocity components
will establish themselves:
Fig. 15.8 Flow around a sphere with
Cartesian and spherical coordinates