Adaptive Filtering Algorithms for Active Vibration Cont rol 28 9 Controller modification a nd discussion
Observe from Figure 15.7−Figure 15.10 that the level of vibration attenuation varies
with frequency. It may be because of the error of magni tude in the frequency re-
sponse of the secondary path. An accurate modeling is required not only at the
fundamental frequency but also at the harmonics of the disturbance signal. Because
once the controller start s to suppress the disturbance si gnal, harmonics will be intro-
duced in the r eference signal path of the controller.
Therefore, mod el ing is a big challenge. Nonlinearity of the secondary path ac-
tuator introduces modeling error and instability. Mod eling errors include magnitude
error and phase error. Phase error is a crucial factor since the feedback control system
must be able to predict the disturbance before the cont rol signal is sent o ut. Phase
error in the secondary path model of the synthesizer section will i ntroduce the wrong
phase i n the reference sign al . Then the phase error in the reference signal makes the
adaptive controller output the wrong phase of cancellation signal to the PZT actuator
as well as t o the synthesizer again.
The magnitude response of the secondary path model is altered by ± 6 dB, which
means that the FIR models of the secondary path are multiplied by 2 or d ivided by
2, to introduce the magnitude error. Then the experiments are conducted again. The
stabil ity of the controller is not affected and there is only a slight decrease in vibration
attenuation level. Furthermore, there is a magnitude peak at 2 40 Hz in the frequency
response of the secondary path model. Based on the experiments, the actual peak
response is estimated to be at 230 Hz. But the controller i s able to attenuate the
disturbance frequency of 240 Hz with the phase compensating gain (−1) in th e error
signal path. Therefore, we can say th at the adaptive feedback controller i s able to
tolerate some magnitude error in the secondary path model.
During the experiment, the controller is observed to have a faster convergence
rate for a higher frequency vibration . It verifies that a larger signal power at higher
frequency can drive the adaptive filter to converge at a faster rate. B ut the faster
convergence rate due to the higher signal power can lead the system to instability if
the adaptation step size “µ” is not sufficiently small . Minimizing the adaptation step
size can improve the stability of the controller but a slow convergence rate has to be
Another strategy used to compromise between the stability and convergence rate is
to use the normalized LMS alg orithm. The NFXLMS algorithm is able to work well
in the feedforward al gorithm. Bu t in the practical implementation of adaptive feed-
back system, surged convergence of the normalized adaptive filter is again observed
to cause some instabili ty to the feedback system.
Therefore, instead of applying the normalized algorithm, another strategy is devel-
oped and applied to the system to ensure the stability and to improve the convergence
of the adaptive algo rithm. That is an automatic gain control (AGC), introduced in
the reference signal path as sh own in Figu re 15.11.
When the adaptive controllers start to adapt their filter weights, it is observed that
the reference signal becomes larger than the normal level before th e adaptati on is
triggered. It may be because of the error of magnitude of the secondary path model.