266 Modeling and Control of Vibratio n in Mechanical Systems
14.3 Quant ization effect on error rejecti on
In this section, we investigate how the quantizer (14.1) wit h di fferent bits affects the
error rejectio n function, and show that the lower low-frequency disturbance rejection
reflected in the sensitivity function may also be caused by quantization in addition to
14.3.1 Quantizer frequency response measurement
Before we proceed to investigate the quantization effect on error r ej ection, we exam-
ine the transfer fu nction (14.4) for the quantizer (14.1) with different bits n through
the measurement of its frequency response.
The frequency response of e
over e in Figure 14.3 was measured via DSA by
injecting the swept sinusoidal signal as the reference signal. The qu antizer model
of the form in (14.1) with max(e) = 0.2 V and different resolution bits of n =
6, 8, 10 are investigated respectively. The dashed curves in Figures 14.6−14.8
are the corresponding measured frequency responses of Q(e). It is observed th at the
magnitude difference at frequencies less than 100 Hz between bits 6 and 8 are almost
10 dB and the phase difference is about 250 deg. From 200 Hz upwards, the quantizer
gains in the three cases are exactly unit y. Moreover, as the bit number increases, the
quantizer approaches unity gain. When bit n = 10, i t can be approximated as 1. The
frequency response when n = 12 is almost the same as that when n = 10, and thus
is omitted here.
14.3.2 Quantization effect on error rejection
Figur es 14.6−14 .8 show t hat the bit number n affects Q(e) mainly in low frequency
range. In addition, we shall see that Q(e) with lower bit number n will deterio rate
the error rej ecti on capability of the servo system in low frequency range.
The measured sensit ivity functions with different quantizer bits are shown in Fig-
ure 1 4.9, where the effect of the bit n on the low-frequency part can be seen. The
averaged difference of |S(z)| at the low-frequency range when the bit changes from
10 to 6 is about 10 dB. The trend is that the lower number of bits leads to a lower
effective magnitude of the compensated open loop, and thus higher |S(z)|, which
means poorer error rejection ability.
Note that a lower bit nu mber means that the known part due to the quantizati on
is less. When the error signal is too low for the A /D converter to differentiate, a
high level of error rejection can not be reflected in the sensitivity transfer function.
In Figure 14.5, the lowest sensitivit y function level at low frequencies is below −60
dB. This implies that a gain of at least 1000 requires more than 10 bit resolution.
Hence, as shown in Figure 14.9, for the two cases of n = 10 and n = 12, no obvious
impact on the sensitivity functions is seen.