Nonlinearity Comp ensation and Nonlinear Control 257
13.3.2 Experimental results in hard disk drives
The pl ant under consideration and the linear control ler are the same as in Section
8.6 of Chapter 8. The nonlinear control signal u
in Fi gure 13.7 is calculated from
(13.5)−(13 .6) and (2.56) in Section 2.4.2 of Chapter 2. The center positio ns c
for the measurement e and velocity ˙e are chosen as zero. The variances are
= σ
= 10, i = 1, ..., p . The forgetting factor δ = 0.5. Γ affects the learning
speed and should be selected to b e as large as possible.
To evaluate the disturbance rejection performance o f the combined linear cont rol
C(z) designed in Section 8.6 in Chapter 8 and the nonlinear control (13.6), a sinu-
soidal signal with the logarithmically spaced frequency f rom 10 Hz to 22.5 kHz is
respectively injected as w in Figure 13.7. For each frequency sinusoidal i nput, the
error signal e will involve multiple frequency components due to the nonlinear con-
trol. In this situation, it is reasonable that the error rejection capabilit y is directly
measured as the amplitude ratio e/w in time domain. At each frequency point, the
error rejection e/w is then plotted and shown in Figure 13.8.
The error rejection capability is evaluated for each value o f p = 1, 5, 9. As in
Figur e 13.8, the two cases with p = 1 and p = 5 give similar results, and bo th are
better than that given by p = 9. This implies that a higher p may not necessarily
lead to a better result. This phenomenon i s consi stent with the observation in mod-
eling. Overall, from the simulation result, the nonlinear control pr oduces a better
rejection of disturbances of low frequencies, while not affecting t he high frequ ency
disturbance rejection performance.
Figur e 13 .8 also shows the effect of Γ on the error rejection. 10% of the Γ value
in (2.58) is used in the calculation. It is observed that the larger Γ yields a better
accuracy. This also agrees with the modeling result in Section 2.4.2 in Chapter 2 .
Consequently, corresponding to the error rejection i n Figure 13.8 with p = 1, the
power spectrum of PES NRRO is shown in Fig 13.9. It is observed that the error
is much lowered by 8 0% before 400 Hz, and no cost in higher frequency range is
paid. Overall it is evaluated from calculation that the 3 σ of the true PES NRRO
is improved from 6.0 nm with the KYP Lemma method to 5.5 nm with the KYP
Lemma-based li near cont rol augmented with the nonlinear control.
REMARK 13.1 It should be mentioned tha t the nonlinear compensation
scheme can b e combined with any l inear control to improve low frequency
vibratio n rejection without sacrificing disturbance rejection capability in other
frequency ranges.