772 Part D Scattering Theory
51.8 New Developments
During the last eight years there have been some interest-
ing new developments [51.38–40] using hyperspherical
coordinates to describe the dynamics of ion–atom col-
lisions. Of particular interest for this chapter are the
calculations of Le et al. [51.40] for charge transfer in
the Si
/H(D) and Be
/H systems. Their calculated
cross sections are almost identical to those obtained by
Pieksma et al. [51.41] using the Thorson–Delos-type
[51.8] approximate Jacobi coordinates introduced in
Sect. 49.3. This confirms the close connection between
the hyerspherical and the Thorson–Delos-type coordi-
nates which had already been observed by Gargaudet al.
[51.10] for two-state systems.
Another aspect of the theoretical formulation which
has been clarified recently concerns the adiabatic–
diabatic transformation (51.20). The radial differential
equations (51.21) only take this simple form if it can be
assumed that
B =
A− A
. (51.35)
However, (51.35) is only strictly satisfied if the basis
set is complete. And indeed, it has been found [51.10]
from direct calculations of the matrix elements B
it is not well satisfied for any choice of Jacobi coor-
dinates. On the other hand, the calculations show that
(51.35) is well satisfied for a minimal basis set using the
Thorson–Delos reaction coordinates. This result con-
firms that convergence of an adiabatic basis set can
indeed be achieved using appropriate reaction coordi-
nates and also explains why the calculations of Le et al.
[51.40]andPieksma et al. [51.41, 42] agree so well.
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