1488 Subject Index
local thermodynamic equilibrium
(LTE) 263, 1304
local-density approximation 1114
locked dipole approximation 564,
578, 687, 1274
locking, of magnetic moment 592
locking-radius model 693
log derivative method 765
logarithmic negativity 1218
London phase distribution 1145
long range interactions 365
capture theories 563
approximation 1053
–atom 999
group 327, 328
homogeneous 89
proper 327
local field 1053
transformation 326
boosts 326
discrete 326
infinitesimal 327
rotations 326
–triplet 229
Lorentzian line shape 876, 1012
Lorentz–Lorenz corrections 1025
LoSurdo–Stark effect 92
low field seeker 1129
luminosity, atmosphere 1284
Møller operator (matrix) 779
Møller–Plesset perturbation theory
106, 472
Mach number 968
Mach–Zehnder interferometer 1135
Mackay icosahedra 599
macroscopic wave function 1110,
magic angle 225, 934
pseudomagic 902
magic numbers 590, 601
magic squares
addition of angular momentum
dipole interaction 997, 999
motional correction 1127
dipole transition 187, 192
atoms in 227, 247
in neutron stars 230
mirror 1132
electron 429
of clusters 592
multipole 258, 997
–trap 1099, 1116
white dwarf
presence of helium in 233
magneton 998
diffraction 1135
–trap 457, 1098, 1103
magnetron cooling 1102
magnetron motion 1101
Majorana transition 1099, 1116
Mandel Q parameter 1144
Mandel’s formula, for photon
counting 1030
Manley–Rowe relations 1055
many-body calculations, relativistic
many-body perturbation theory
(MBPT) 105, 353, 359, 401
configuration mixing 367
correspondence rules 362
–diagrams 360
effective interelectron interaction
electron and vacancy states 362
electron scattering 367
electron–vacancy states 370
Hartree–Fock approximation 364
one-particle states 366
photoionization diagrams 385
photon emission 374
role of the Pauli principle 362,
summation of sequences 363
many-body theory 105
relativistic 334
Markov approximation 125
microscopic 1175
threshold 1179
mass polarization 199
mass ratios
measurement of 1105
mass shift 199, 256
normal 199, 256, 318
reduced 257
specific 199, 256, 318
mass transfer cross section 863
Massey parameter 742
Massey–Mohr cross section 663,
master equation 125, 1004, 1010,
1092, 1152, 1159, 1162
correlation functions 1156
damped harmonic oscillator 1153,
damped two-level atom 1154,
in squeezed bath 1154
recombination theory 816
master oscillator power amplifier
(MOPA) 1044, 1046
master theorems
MacMahon form 64
Schwinger form 64
material science 1397
mathematical constants (table) 6
mathematical functions
digital library of 153
Maxwell equations 3, 1142
absorptive 1070
–dispersive 1070
Maxwell–Bloch equations 1069,
McCall-Hahn area theorem 1070,
mean energy loss per collision 1380
mean field approximation 1129
mean free path 1319
mean speed, thermal 824
mean-field theory 1110, 1113
quantum theory of 1189
weak 1195
measurement-induced nonlinearities
mechanical effects of radiation
mercury clusters 592
merged beam method 830, 946, 991
form factor 946
terrestial 1261
metal cluster 590
molecules 593
metal-fullerene clusters 595
metal–insulator–metal (MIM) diode
metallocarbohedrenes 593
metallofullerenes 595
metastable atoms 320
electron scattering by 939
in atomic beams 932, 935, 939,
968, 1132
–incomets 1253
in discharges 1329
in planetary atmospheres 1281
Metropolis algorithm 150
Michelson interferometer
–(diagram) 609
Subject Index
Subject Index 1489
distribution of modulation
frequencies 611
microcanonical ensemble 871
microchannel plate 649
microelectromechanical systems
(MEMS) 1047
micromaser 1174, 1178
quantum nondemolition experiment
microstructure fabrication 1332
microwave cavities 1174
Milky Way galaxy, age 1358
Milne detailed balance 822
minimax method
for autoionizing states 316
minimum uncertainty state 1144
Minkowski space 326
mirror images
radiating atoms and 1170
mirror, atomic 1131
mixed states 123
coefficient 806, 1323
of ions in a gas 666
mode locking 1031, 1045
mode pulling 1027
model potentials
scattering results for 684
–tableof 685
cross-phase 1057
self-phase 1057
molecular beam 933, 967
angular momentum polarization
studies 968
beam splitters 1134
epitaxy 1044
reagent preparation 968
sources 967
molecular clock 979
molecular clouds
carbon chemistry of 1239
–dark 1239
–diffuse 1238
molecular clusters 602
molecular dynamics 491, 537
dense plasmas 1313
molecular formation, resonant 1361
molecular fragmentation 537, 803,
969, 1084
pattern 969
molecular orbital X-rays 962
molecular spectra 491
measurement of 615
molecular structure 467
ab initio methods 762
adiabatic states 762
approximation methods 467
empirical estimates 764
fitting experimental energies 520
nuclear motion 480
rotation 467
rotational-vibrational 481
vibration 467
wave function 107, 468, 516
weakly interacting systems 476,
molecular symmetry 491, 516
molecule, compound 1365
molecules in intense laser fields
Mollow spectrum 1161
momentum space wave function
quantum defect representation
momentum spectroscopy 922
momentum transfer
collision frequency 1280
cross section 661, 708, 930, 933,
1265, 1307
Monte Carlo integration 151
relation to random number
distributions 151
Monte Carlo method 149
classical trajectory 869
exotic projectiles 873
heavy particle dynamics 873
hydrogenic targets 869, 871
many-electron targets 870
multiply-charged projectiles
nonhydrogenic one-electron
models 870
pseudo-one-electron targets
state-selective electron capture
dense plasmas 1313
for line broadening 888
Morse potential, scattering by 688
most probable energy loss 1373,
1374, 1381, 1382
MOT 1098, 1103
motional correction
magnetic dipole interaction 1127
Mott insulator 1123, 1227
Mott scattering 938
Mott term, stopping power 1380
state selective 110
state universal 110
valence universal 110
multibeam resonance 1134
multichannel quantum defect theory
multiphoton processes 1078
multiconfiguration Hartree–Fock
approximation 313, 315
Breit–Pauli interaction 316
multiconfigurational self-consistent
field theory 474
excitation 922
transitions 957
multilayer coating 651
multipactor discharge mode 1332
multiphoton process 628, 1072,
multi-electron effects 1079
rate enhancement 1080
strong field 1080
weak field 1078
multiple fragmentation 550
multiple lasers, excitation by 1080
multiple path occupation 498
multiplet 177
multiplex advantage, in Fourier
transform spectroscopy 610
multiplexed detection 267, 610
multiplicity 176, 177
effects 912
expansion 997
–moments 221
multireference (MR) CC theory 110
multireference configuration
interaction theory 474
muon 1359
atomic capture 1361, 1362
lifetime 1359
scattering 754
muon-catalyzed fusion 1359
–cycle 1361
experimental methods 1368
muon loss 1367
reactions and energy release 1360
muonic atom
cascade 1364
elastic scattering 1364
formation 1362
helium 1367
hydrogen 1362
hyperfine transitions 1364
isotopic transfer 1364
sticking 1367
stripping 1368
muonic molecule
Subject Index
1490 Subject Index
Auger formation 1364
energy corrections 1365
nuclear fusion rate 1366
resonant formation 1365
rovibrational energy levels 1361
scaling 1360
three-body formation 1366
mutual neutralization 575, 576,
584, 800, 810, 1330
cross section 811
Landau–Zener probability 811
rate coefficient 811
nanocapsules 596
nanocavity laser 1047
coordinate system 127
frame 694
orbital expansion 316
width 911
near-edge X-ray absorption fine
structure (NEXAFS) 1351
nebular equilibrium 1309
energy states 330
–glow 1327
ions 369, 578, 1330
autodetachment from 320, 391
cluster 603
harpoon mechanism 979
photodetachment from 387, 946
neutral–molecule reactions 563
neutral–neutral reactions 564
neutrino mass 1358
neutron diffraction 1133
neutron optics 1125
neutron stars, magnetic fields 230
neutrons, ultracold 1131
Neville’s algorithm 136
Newton diagram 975, 985
nightglow 1284
spectrum of Venus 1287
nightside ionospheres 1277
noble gas
–clusters 599
compounds with diatoms 482
discharge 644
electron scattering by 368, 1320
harmonic generation in 1082
lasers 1036
photoionization 384, 912
scattering lengths for 669
noble metal clusters 590
no-cloning theorem 1200, 1216
colored 1157
operator 1157
white 1157
coupling 742, 744
scattering theory 723
transition 535, 551, 761, 1129
relativistically induced 478
nonclassical fields 1143
nonclassical light
atomic cascade source 1186
noncrossing rule 470, 743, 810
atom optics 1126
mixing 1039
optics 629, 1051
enabled by ultra-intense laser
pulses 1062
enabled by ultrashort laser pulses
focused beam effects 1056
wave equation 1053
polarization 1051
refractive index 1052
coefficient 1052
in an atomic vapor 1058
intensity-dependent 1052
mechanisms 1052
Schrödinger equation 1111
pulse propagation 1055
susceptibility 629, 1051
quantum mechanical expression
relation to hyperpolarizability
tensor properties 1052
nonlocal transients 1074
nonlocality 1216
GHZ test 1199
–Hardytest 1199
in quantum measurement 1195
nonreactive scattering 555
normal modes 1142
normal ordering operator 105
normal product of operators 105
normal product with contractions
incoming wave 381
of continuum wave functions 668,
790, 821
northern aurae, spectrum of Jupiter
novae 1236
nuclear charge distribution 340
nuclear electric quadrupole moment
255, 258, 320
nuclear magnetic dipole moment
255, 259, 319
nuclear motion
in molecular scattering 722
in molecules 480
nuclear polarization 439
nuclear reactions
astrophysical factor 1359, 1366
Coulomb barrier 1359
cross sections 1359
electronic screening of 1359
nuclear scattering 917
nuclear size effect 318, 443
for hydrogenic atoms (table) 230
in atoms 1356
quantum electrodynamic 1358
relativistic 1357
nuclear spin 560
nuclear spin and statistics
in molecules 522
isobaric 1358
of photons 1142
operator 1108, 1142
states 1143, 1162
numerical differentiation 140
numerical integration 147
Numerov method 141, 236
Nyquist frequency 139
occasional proportional feedback
technique 1033
Ochkur approximation 716
octahedral rotor, semirigid 500
octahedral symmetry, molecular
one-and-a-half centered expansion
(OHCE) 758
one-particle density operator 1114
one-particle operator 1108
one-way quantum computer 1226
onions 595
Oort cloud 1247
opacity project 1241
open shell 393
annihilation/creation 76, 94, 115,
118, 330
commutation relations 330, 331
conjugation 118
non-commuting 330, 354
Subject Index
Subject Index 1491
normal ordering 330
antinormal 1148
normal 105, 330, 1146, 1148
s-ordered 1148
symmetric 1148
quasiparticle 120
representation of 116
time evolution 124
(OBK) approximation 777, 859,
Bloch equations 1003, 1066
with decay 1004
strong cavities 1174
–depth 1267
Earnshaw theorem 1098
emission cross section 934
excitation 237
–force 1093
frequency comb 631
lattice 1096, 1121, 1226
material 651
coating 651
interference filter 651
multichannel plates 651
multilayer coating 651
polarizer 652
thin film 651
window 651
molasses 1095, 1098
1098, 1099
corkscrew 1098
lin lin 1098
lin lin 1097
nutation 1067
parametric oscillator 630, 1056
potential 392, 683, 710, 715
second order 716
pumping 221, 224
diode laser 1041
in molecular beams 968
theorem 665
in quantal impulse approximation
–trap 1096, 1116
optics, near-field 1133
orbital collapse 312
orbitally forbidden transitions 531
orbiting and spiraling collisions 662
Orbiting Astronomical Observatory
orbit–orbit interaction 308
order parameter 1114
orientation 222, 693
atomic 936
density matrix formalism 128
from spin-orbit interaction 129
in electron capture 770
in molecular beams 969
Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process 1079
orthopositronium decay rate 422
oscillator strength 186, 187, 261,
321, 1004, 1011
absorption 186, 878
bound–free 822
connection with line strength 838
definition 215
finite nuclear mass effects 215
generalized 790, 838, 931, 1377
helium (table) 216, 217
length and velocity forms 215
measurement of 262, 264
molecular 524
comparison of atomic and solid
–sumrule 205, 524
time-resolved measurement 265
Ostwald’s step rule 602
output coupling 1026
overtone bands 526
spectrum of Venus 1289
quenching reactions 484
hole 1299
depletion 1293, 1300
destruction 1298
formation 1298
PADDS (Perpendicular ADDS) 973
Padé approximation 137
pair production
electron–positron 1359
Paldus tableau 96
papier mâché 595
parabolic coordinates 155, 232
parabolic quantum number 238
paramagnetic clusters 592
amplification 1056
oscillation 1056
squeezed light generation 1145
process 1055
paraxial approximation
in de Broglie optics 1130
paraxial wave equation 1028
parent term, atomic structure 179
parity 176, 557, 560
combined with rotations 493
molecular structure and selection
rules 521
selection rule 901
cross section 908
transposition 1217
wave expansion 667, 706
particle identification
–PID 1384
particle–hole interaction
in photoionization 384
interchannel interactions 385
intrachannel interactions 384
virtual double excitations 385
partition sum 125
Paschen–Back effect 229
relativistic 229
path integral Monte Carlo method
dense plasmas 1313
Paul trap 1099
electrode configuration and
voltages 1100
correlations (blocking) 755
matrices 10, 94
principle 498
pseudo-spin operator 1001
peaking approximation
in quantal impulse approximation
Pearson-7 function 910
pendellösung oscillations 1134
pendular states 969
Penning ionization 836
Penning trap 1101
perfect crystal
neutron interaction with 1127
perfect scattering experiment 133,
693, 696
periodic orbit 542
permeability of vacuum 1
permittivity of vacuum 1
permutation symmetry
–full 1052
intrinsic 1052
of wave functions 516
persistent current 1118
perturbation theory 101, 359
central field 92
continuum distorted wave
third-order 777
Subject Index
1492 Subject Index
degenerate 336
diagrammatic 107, 359
Epstein–Nesbet 106
expansions 102, 104, 109
for state multipoles 129
large order 91
Møller–Plesset 106
many-body 105, 359
–matrix 101
multiphoton processes 1078
principal term 104
Rayleigh–Schrödinger 104, 335
renormalization term 104
time-independent 101
Z-dependent 313
perturbed stationary state (PSS)
method 757
Peterkop semiclassical theory 782
Peterkop theorem 717
Petermann Kfactor 1028
skew symmetric matrices 65
contrast imaging 1117
–diffusion 1028, 1122
model 1079
dispersion 1122
matching 630, 1083
of nonlinear optical processes
operator 1145
hermitian 1146
operational 1146
sine and cosine 1146
–shift 666668, 708, 1135
binary encounter approximation
Born S-wave 673
dispersive 1136
effective range expansion 668,
eigenphase sum 710
geometric 1136
near resonances 710
quantum defect equation 708
topological 1136
space averaging method 1087
space theory
of gas phase reactions 565
velocity 1130
subshell threshold 372
by ionic clusters 596
photoassociation 1119
spectroscopy 1103
photochemical processes
atmospheric 1289
double electron 785
from H
mirroring of resonance profiles in
alternative partial cross sections
–oftheK-shell of He
and Li
photodetection theory 1147
photodiode 649
photodissociation 1267, 1294
absorption cross section 537
anisotropy parameter 538
branching ratios 537
direct 535
experimental techniques 539
–incomets 1254
indirect 535
interstellar 1238
molecular 535
partial cross section 537
electronic 535
rotational 535
vibrational 535
quantum yields 537
rates of 1239
selection rules 536
state-resolved 973
photodissociative ionization 1267
photoelectric effect 901, 916
angular distribution 902
dipole approximation 901
experimental methods 907
open-shell atoms 902
spin analysis 901, 903
angular distribution 904
energy analysis 906
spectrometry 908
operational modes 909
spectrum 901
spectrum 910
correlation satellites 906
photographic plate 649
photoionization 379, 918, 970,
1236, 1267, 1294
electrons 372
angular distribution 902
anisotropy parameter 903
asymmetry parameter 387
anisotropy parameter 902
configuration interaction effects
Cooper minimum 383
cross section 382, 386
delayed maximum 383
diagrammatic perturbation theory
double photoionization of He 387
electron correlation effects 904
field-induced oscillatory structure
high photon energy behavior of the
partial cross sections 383, 384
–incomets 1254
interaction Hamiltonian 379
mirroring of resonance profiles in
alternative partial cross sections
multiple excitation 374
multiple ionization processes 906
non-dipole effects 387
of positive ions 388
of Rydberg atoms 240, 242
particle–hole interaction effects
polarization effects 387
post collision interactions 906
random phase approximation for
rates of 1239
relativistic and spin-dependent
effects 387, 911
relaxation effects 387
resonances 385, 386, 904
theoretical methods for 371, 386
threshold laws 906
two-electron 922
wave function boundary conditions
photoionized clouds
modeling 1245
photoionized gas
processes in 1235
photomultiplier tube 649
antibunching 1162
bandpass 911
bunching 1030
and antibunching 1147
cloning 1200
correlation 1146, 1147, 1186
Mandel’s formula 1030
density of states 215
Poissonian 1144
squeezed state 1145
echo 1069
Subject Index
Subject Index 1493
indivisibility 1186
information content of 1200
average 1179
intracavity 1178
variance normalized 1179
occupation number 238
recoil effects 1091
sources, single 1182
statistics 1030
Bose–Einstein distribution
Poisson distribution 1030
teleportation of 1200
photon–atom scattering
(1 keV–1 MeV) 915
elastic 916
inelastic 918
lead, cross section for 916
bandgaps 1173
superluminal tunneling 1203
crystal fibers 1047
photon-number resolving
photodetectors 1225
photorefractive effect 1061
physical constants 1
–tableof 2
physisorption 592, 1351
planar imaging, two-dimensional
plane wave Born approximation
(PWBA) 757, 951
planetary atmospheres 576
planetary nebulae 1236
exobase properties (table) 1289
diagnostics 872
etching 1331
frequency 1000, 1305
laser induced 1303
plasma conditions, diagram 1304
plasma physics 1303
collisional processes in dense
plasma 1311
ionization balance 1308
one-component model 1306
radiative processes in dense
processes 1311
two-component model 1306
plasma screening
Debye model 1306
ion-sphere model 1306
Thomas–Fermi model 1310
plasmoid mode 1332
plasmon excitation 1375
plethysm 80
Pluvinage wave function 780
Pockels effect 1061
group 328
sphere 696
transformation 327
Poisson distribution 1012
sub-Poissonian fields 1144
Poisson sum formula 675
polarizability 110
complex 999
frequency dependent 366
hydrogenic 213, 232
relativistic, for hydrogen 233
polarization 934
correlation 937
effect 939
ellipse 694
nonlinear rotation 1059
entanglement 1196
in heavy atom scattering 700
in optical transitions 265
interaction 946
–ofmedium 3
optical 125, 131, 695
particle scattering phenomena
126, 693
photon 331
potential 669, 707, 708
redistribution 286
relaxation 221
spectroscopy 1016
–spin 125, 130
atoms 222
beams, collisions involving 125,
699, 938
electrons 938
light 999
and atomic multipoles 224
production of 642, 652
–target 938
polarizer 652
polyatomic molecules
electron scattering by 723
polynomial quadrature 139
ponderomotive energy 1080, 1096,
population inversion 1014, 1023
population representation 222
population trapping 1079
positive partial transpose 1217
positron pair production 1359
positron production 962
positron scattering 731, 873
annihilation 732
angular correlation 732
atomic hydrogen 735
resonances 735
atoms 736
Born approximation 733
close-coupling approximation
convergent close-coupling method
eikonal-Born series 734
ionization 735, 780
Wannier threshold law 735
noble gases 735
Ramsauer minimum 736
optical potentials 734
–Oregap 732
positronium formation 731
potential scattering 733
variational method 735
Wigner cusp 735
positronium 731
Thomas peak 867
post collision interaction 925
photoionization 907
postion senitive detectors (PSD)
potential energy curves (PEC) 742,
potential energy surface (PES) 467,
518, 535, 742, 744, 978, 984, 987,
analytic derivative technique 471
for chemical reaction 987, 991
intersection of 470
perturbations of 476
potential scattering 976, 977
hard-core 669
laser field effects 724
modified Coulomb 669
polarization potential 669
van der Waals 669
power broadening 1005, 1011
predissociation 535
pre-master equation 1162
pressure broadening 279
principal axes 559
probability density function 1374
processes, electron driven 940
product growth method 945
product imaging 973, 980
detection 973
product kinetic energy distribution
product quantum state 984
Subject Index
1494 Subject Index
distribution 973
projectile continuum distorted wave
approximation (PCDW) 777
projectile electrons 796
projection operator 101, 710, 716
formalism 392
hole 394
quasiprojectors 394
propagator 407
electron 333
one-body 402
photon 333
two-body 405
two-point 409
propensity rules 693
protected measurements 1195
proton charge radius 443
proton transfer 579
proton–helium scattering 865
pseudocrossing 743
pseudopotential 300, 1110
method 396, 397
results 398
pseudostate expansion 715, 759
pulse area theorem 1067
pulse compression 1031, 1045
pulse propagation, resonant 1069
pulse shaper 552
pump mechanisms 1023, 1024
pump–probe experiment 548
pump–probe resonance 1073
Q-switching 1030, 1031
–self 1045
quadrature operator 1143
quadrature states 1148
rotated 1148
quadrupole interaction
electric 998
quadrupole moment 110
quadrupole potential 575
quadrupole tensor 999
quantization 115
of circulation 1118
quantized field effects 1141
beats 129, 267
time integration of 130
chaos 1085
with entangled pairs 1201
defect 184, 211, 237, 240, 242,
313, 872
analytic continuation 708
definition of 211
in momentum space wave
functions 841
multichannel 726
parameters 312
relativistic and finite mass
corrections to 211
relativistic theory 353
Rydberg series 312
semiclassical representation
theory 235
use in radial integrals 837
degenerate gas 1107
electrodynamics 1358
electron factors 416
equations of motion 329
fine structure 420
helium-like ions 208
hyperfine structure 421
lepton scattering 416
many-electron ions 425
muon g factors 416
one-electron ions 424
perturbation theory 331
precision tests 423
two-photon interactions 425
–eraser 1191
error correction 1224
field theory 401, 1107
–fluid 601
information processing 1162
interference 1144
interrogation 1194
jumps 1104
key distribution 1219
liquid 599
localization 1085
Monte Carlo formalism 1159
Monte Carlo method
dense plasmas 1313
–networks 1222
nondemolition experiment 1181,
gravitational radiation detection
number 176, 411
molecular 518
optics 997
phase 1145
transition 1123
random walks 1223
regression hypothesis 1156
scars 1086
search algorithm 1223
teleportation 1200, 1219
theory of measurement 1180
reality of the wave function
trajectory 1159
–well 1043
Zeno effect 1193
quantum-cascade laser 1047
quantum-mechanical correlation
quasi-elastic collisions, -and
J-mixing 836
quasi-electron 368
quasifree electron model
of Rydberg atom collisions 842
quasiparticle 120
quasi-probability distribution 1148
Cahill and Glauber 1149
Kirkwood 1151
P function 1149
positive P 1149
Q, Husimi 1151
Wigner 1149
quasiprojection operators 394
quasispin 81
bosons 118
conjugation 118
dependence on electron number
fermions 117
half-filled shell 119
spin-quasispin interchange 119
triple tensors 118
quasisteady state 802
qubits 1216
Rabi frequency 1001, 1010, 1023,
1066, 1128
generalized 1001, 1067
power dependent 629
two-photon 1073
vacuum 1002
Rabi oscillations 1067, 1176, 1177
–damped 1067
definition 43
fundamental identities 44
orthogonality 43
recurrance relations 46
relation to hypergeometric series
relation to
coefficients 43
Subject Index
Subject Index 1495
Schwinger–Bargmann generating
function 44
symmetries 45
commutation relations 116
invariant operator 42
lemma 82
Biedenharn–Elliott identity 50
reciprocity relation 83
radial coupling 745
matrix elements 766
radial Dirac equation
boundary conditions 340, 341
free electron
progressive waves 343
standing waves 343
radial Dirac equation for bound states
approximation by finite elements
approximation by spinor basis set
G-spinors 348, 349
L-spinors 347
S-spinors 348
variational collapse 349
finite difference methods
deferred correction 344
double shooting 344
variational derivation
Rayleigh quotient 345
radial integrals
hydrogenic, for dipole transitions
semiclassical quantum defect
representation 837
radial wave functions
for H and Na 236
radiating atoms
and mirror images 1170
in resonators 1170
in waveguides 1169
radiation absorption 1390
radiation detectors 1374, 1389
radiation dose 1375
radiation physics 1390
cross sections for 1374, 1392
radiation reaction 999
radiation theory
semiclassical 1025
radiation therapy 1383
radiation trapping 287, 934, 1011
multiple component lines 290
radiationless transition 920
radiation–matter interactions 1389
radiative association 561, 570, 582,
thermal model 571
modified 571
radiative corrections 353, 416
radiative damping
Lorentz atom 999
radiative electron capture 961
radiative forces 1171
radiative lifetime 194, 237, 264
cavity effects 238, 1168
finite temperature effects 238
measurement of 265
states 266
radiative line strength 187
radiative processes 353
radiative recoil 444
radiative recombination 576, 800,
817, 1236, 1274
collisional 801, 802
cross sections for 817, 819, 821
electron energy loss rate 817, 819
Gaunt factor 823
normalization of continuum wave
function 821
photon emission probability 819
radiated power 817, 819
–rate 817, 822
scaling laws 823
three-body collisional 800
radiative self-interference forces
radiative shifts 1171
radiative stabilization 391, 570,
578, 943
radiative transition 187, 215
molecular 520
moment matrix 520
–rate 186, 187
hydrogen (table) 195
hydrogenic matrix elements 836
selection rules 187
theory 215
radio frequency heating 1102
rainbow angle 677, 977
Raman cooling 1105
Raman linewidths 1338
Raman process 1017
Auger 924
Raman scattering 630
radiationless 924
stimulated 630, 1059
anti-Stokes field 1059
Stokes field 1059
stimulated, Stokes amplification in
X-ray 924
Raman sideband cooling 1105
Raman–Nath approximation 1131
(RRKM) theory 542, 568
Ramsauer–Townsend effect 669,
random number generation 149
Metropolis algorithm 150
nonuniform 150
rejection method 150
transformation method 150
random phase approximation 365,
401, 663
rate coefficient 556, 576, 578
rate constant
in combustion reactions 1336
state-to-state 984
–thermal 984
rate equation 125
approximation 1005, 1013, 1014,
1024, 1025
chemical 578
rate laws 561
Rayleigh (unit) 1286
Rayleigh scattering 915, 916, 1006
Rayleigh–Ritz variational principle
144, 200
r-centroid 526
reactance matrix 556
reaction 967
association 570
barrier 563
bimolecular 563
competition with association 572
complex 562
coordinate 563, 761
energetics 576
ion–molecule 563, 983
ion–neutral 575
neutral–molecule 563
–path 483
curvature 483
spontaneity 577
termolecular 562
unimolecular 562
reactive scattering 684, 967, 978
reactive sphere model, for
recombination processes 804
rebound collision 988
rebound reaction 979
corrections 418
in heavy particle scattering 754
ion momentum spectroscopy 873
ion momentum spectroscopy
(RIMS) 955
peak 953
Subject Index
1496 Subject Index
recombination 583
coefficient 1330
destruction rates 801
dielectronic 829
distributions used in 811
electron–ion 829, 1330
vibrational populations in 584
high gas density theory 815
diffusional-drift 806
ion–ion 584
Langevin rate 806
microscopic methods 812
bottleneck method 815
diffusion theory 814
master equations 816
time dependent 813
time independent 814
trapping radius method 815
nonequilibrium theory 815
processes of 1330
production rates 801
radiative 829, 1330
–rate 806
macroscopic methods 803
Thomson theory of 807
three-body 800, 829, 1330
tidal 800
variational principle for 814
working formulae 802, 805
recoupling theory
commutation andf association of
symbols 59
construction of transformation
coefficients 58
unsolved problems 59
recoupling theory and 3n j
composite systems 54
recurrence relations
(β) functions 22
red giant 1241
reduced density operator 1152,
reduced mass
electronic, for light nuclei 207
critical angle 1131
–lawof 1131
principle 542
symmetry 694
conservation of in scattering
–total 1131
total mirror 1131
coefficient of 1131
–lawof 1131
refractive index 1023, 1027, 1030
nonlinear 1032
Regge generating function 34
regions of nonadiabatic coupling
(NAR) 742
relative flow technique 933
relativistic binding energy 231
relativistic corrections 460
asymptotic expansions for 214
Darwin term 709
for helium 208
hydrogenic atoms in strong fields
mass-correction term 709
–software 354
spin–orbit potential 709
relativistic effective Hamiltonian
Breit–Pauli 335
Dirac–Coulomb 335
Dirac–Coulomb–Breit 335
nonrelativistic limit 335
relativistic effects
magnetic field 228
Thomas–Fermi theory for 303
relativistic recoil 438
Hamiltonian for 209
relaxation 1003, 1065
density matrix formalism 125
effective Hamiltonian 1004
homogeneous 1066
inhomogeneous 1068
intrinsic 1071
observed levels 1003, 1004
operator 1004
unobserved levels 1003
relaxation rate
longitudinal 1004, 1010
transverse 1004, 1010
Renner–Teller effect 480, 536
renormalization 332
theory 414
representation theory
bosonic 94
fermionic 94
universal enveloping algebra 97
reservoir 1151, 1162
squeezed 1152
theory 1162
–thermal 1152
in Fourier transform spectroscopy
in photon experiments 910
resolvent operator 103, 336
Auger 905
autoionizing 391, 904
–Bragg 1134
Breit–Wigner parameters 396
double 1080
–giant 371, 591
in electron scattering 932
intensity-induced 1080
isolated 830
laser 1001, 1009, 1058, 1066,
1078, 1095, 1134
electric/magnetic 618
line broadening 195, 877
mirroring of resonance profiles
overlapping 832
photoionization 386, 904
pump-probe 1073
quasi-Landau 241
scattering 671
shape parameter 395
strong field mixing 240
Thomas peak 867
two-beam 1134
two-photon (diagram) 1072
width and shift 394, 710, 1172
resonance fluorescence 265, 1160
coherent intensity 1160
incoherent intensity 1160
photon antibunching 1162
photon correlations 1162
spectrum 1161
resonance scattering 391, 672, 710,
on surfaces 1346
resonance theory 391, 722
multichannel 710
resonant capture-stabilization model
resonant enhanced multiphoton
photoionization (REMPI) 970,
resonant photoionization
detector 970
resonant pulse propagation 1069
resonant Raman effect 911, 924
resonant rearrangement collision
resonant transfer 961
resonant-mass detector 1206
resonators, radiating atoms in 1170
revivals 550
Riemann zeta function 5
rigid rotor 29, 492
Subject Index
Subject Index 1497
asymmetric 493
symmetry analysis 498
eigenvalue graph 493
symmetric 29
representation function 29
Ritz formula 185
R-matrix 1366
fixed nuclei 723
method 712
R-matrix–Floquet method 726
rock salt lattice 596
Rodrigues formula 167
rotating frame
molecular 517
optical 242, 1001
rotating wave approximation 1001,
1010, 1093, 1128, 1169
semiclassical 494
SU(2) group (SO(3, R)) 10
Clebsch–Gordan series 337
irreducible representations
(irreps) 337
Lie algebra SO(3) 88
matrices 18
Euler angles 19
rotation matrices 517, 559
as generalized Fourier transforms
as rigid rotor eigenfunctions 492
rotational branch strengths 526
rotational branches, molecular 521
rotational coupling matrix elements
766, 767
rotational energy surface 494
asymmetrical gyro-rotor, diagram
–diagram 495, 501
multiple 507
octahedral and tetrahedral 500
quadrupole 508
scalar monopole 508
spherical gyro-rotor, diagram
vector dipole 508
rotational excitation, theory 722
rotational invariants
solid harmonic expansions 14
rotational scattering 977
rotational structure 497
octahedral and tetrahedral 500
rotational symmetry
molecular 517
rovibrational coupling 491
rovibrational structure 95, 503
–diagram 504
Rowland circle 647
Runge–Kutta method 142
Runge–Lenz vector 81
Russell–Saunders (LS) coupling
177, 179
allowed LS terms 178
Russian doll 505, 595
Rutherford cross section 671, 686,
1375, 1376
Rydberg atom 1174
in electric fields 238
in magnetic fields 241
in microwave fields 242
microwave ionization 1084
optical excitation 237
radiative lifetimes 237
wave functions for 235
Rydberg atom collisions 243, 836
binary encounter approximation
Born approximation 858
capture 859
classical impulse approximation
classical scattering theory for 841
elastic n n
transitions 844
fine structure transitions 844
inelastic n n
transitions 843
Born results for 843
inelastic n,changing transitions
momentum distribution functions
quantal impulse approximation
845, 849
quasi-elastic mixing transitions
quasifree electron model 842
semiquantal impulse approximation
spatial distribution functions 840
types of collision processes 836
Rydberg constant 5
Rydberg formula 184, 905
Rydberg states 829
autoionizing 244
basic properties 836
–high 237, 239
–inclusters 600
in laser fields 726
quantum nondemolition experiment
Rydberg unit 5
Rydberg wave packet 1071
free evolution (diagram) 1072
saddle-point method
for autoionizing states 316
Sagnac effect 1136
Saha distribution, definition 802
Saha–Boltzmann formula 1308
satellite lines 887
saturable absorption
optical nonlinearities 1058
saturation 1005
in ion–molecule reactions 582
laser 1015
parameter 1005
spectroscopy 1015
scale height 1260
scaled-energy spectroscopy 248
scaling transformation 90
by atoms in laser field 725
by ions in laser field 725
scattering (see collisions, light
scattering, and particular
processes) 1006
scattering amplitude 664, 671, 672,
674, 675, 679, 706, 707, 769, 771,
882, 915, 917, 930, 936, 938
Born, second 866
capture 955
continuum distorted wave 783
distorted wave strong potential
Born (DSPB) 795
for polarization phenomena 701
impulse approximation for 848
–spinflip 701
scattering equations 743
scattering length 708, 1110, 1111,
1119, 1127
effective 1119
in elastic scattering 668
–sign 1111
s-wave 1129
tuning 1119
use of, in Rydberg collisions 842
values for noble gas atoms 669
scattering matrix 555
scattering signal calculation 971
scattering theory
adiabatic nuclei approximation
angular momentum recoupling
Subject Index