136 Functions
PROOF. Consider the case of f increasing. The set F = {f(x) : a < x < c} is a
nonempty set of real numbers bounded above by f(c). Therefore, L = sup
is defined by the Least Upper Bound Principle (2.5.3), and L ≤ f (c). We will show
that L is the left limit.
Indeed, let ε > 0. Since L − ε is not an upper bound for F , there is a point x
with a < x
< c such that f(x
) > L −ε. By definition of the supremum, we have
f(x) ≤ L for all x in (a, c). Hence for all x
< x < c, we have
L − ε < f(x
) ≤ f (x) ≤ L < L + ε.
From the definition of limit, it now follows that lim
f(x) = L.
The limit from the right and the decreasing case are handled similarly. ¥
Since monotone functions have limits from each side, this restricts the possible
discontinuities is several ways. The first thing to observe is that if the function does
not jump at c, it is necessarily continuous there.
5.7.3. COROLLARY. The only type of discontinuity that a monotone function
on an interval can have is a jump discontinuity.
PROOF. Let lim
f(x) = L and lim
f(x) = M. Since L ≤ f(c) ≤ M, the
equality L = M implies that
f(x) = L = M = f(c)
and thus f is continuous at c. ¥
5.7.4. COROLLARY. If f is a monotone function on [a, b] and the range of f
intersects every nonempty open interval in [f (a), f (b)], then f is continuous.
PROOF. Suppose that f is increasing and has a jump discontinuity at c. Then
(with notation as previously) the range of f is contained in (−∞, L] ∪ [M, ∞)
with the exception of at most one point, f (c), in between. Thus either (L, f (c)) or
(f(c), M) is a nonempty interval in [f (a), f (b)], which is disjoint from the range
of f. Consequently, if the range of f meets every open interval in [f (a), f(b)], then
f must be continuous. ¥
Here is a stronger conclusion. Recall that a set is countable if it is finite or can
be written as a list indexed by N (see Appendix 2.8).
5.7.5. THEOREM. A monotone function on [a, b] has at most countably many
PROOF. Assumethat f is increasing, and let A = f(b)−f (a). If f is discontinuous
at c, define the jump at c to be J(c) = f(c
) −f(c
). This is the length of the gap
), f(c
)) in the range of f . Since these intervals are disjoint, the sum of all
the jumps is at most A.