188 Part B Chemical and Microstructural Analysis
technique is typically on the order of 20–40 μm, and
diffraction-limited performance is not achieved due to
source brightness limitations. Several alternative sam-
pling techniques that have found widespread utility in
IR spectroscopy of macroscopic samples have been
successfully adapted on the microscale, including at-
tenuated total reflection (ATR ) and grazing incidence
reflectivity. Maps of chemical composition can be ex-
tracted from IR spectral images in a manner similar to
the Raman case, wherein amplitudes of bands due to
material components of interest are plotted as a function
of position on the sample.
Raman and IR microanalysis are complementary
techniques, as is the case for their macroscopic analogs,
widely applicable to extended solids, particles, thin
films and even these materials under liquid environ-
ments. The choice between these analysis techniques
is often dictated by the relative strength of the Raman
and/or IR transitions that most effectively discriminate
among the sample components. Notably, the molecular
properties that dictate the strength of these transitions,
molecular polarizability in the case of Raman and
transition dipole moments for IR, are not generally
correlated. In fact, for centrosymmetric molecules the
techniques are particularly complementary as IR transi-
tions forbidden by symmetry are by definition Raman
active and vice versa. Sample considerations also play
a role in this choice, as the nature of the material can
preclude the use of one (or both) techniques. Raman
microscopy can be used to study a broad array of ma-
terials, as the Raman photons are scattered over a wide,
often isotropic, distribution of solid angles and are thus
easily detected by the same microscope objective used
for excitation. In contrast, transmission IR microscopy
requires that the sample of interest be mounted on
an IR-transparent substrate and that the sample itself
be sufficiently thin to avoid saturation effects. Simi-
larly, reflection mode IR microscopy is optimized when
the analyte is mounted on a highly reflective sub-
strate; the constraints on sample thickness apply in this
configuration as well. However, Raman microscopy suf-
fers from another significant limitation, as background
fluorescence precludes the measurement of high signal-
to-noise Raman spectra for many materials, particularly
for higher-energy excitation wavelengths (for example,
488 and 532 nm). It is often the case that the shot noise
present on a large fluorescence background is suffi-
ciently larger than the Raman signal itself such that no
amount of signal averaging will yield a high-quality
spectrum. Notably, typical cross sections for fluores-
cence are vastly larger than those of Raman scattering,
so the Raman excitation wavelength need not be in exact
resonance with a sample electronic transition to yield an
overwhelming fluorescence background. This problem
can be mitigated by the use of lower energy excitation
wavelengths (for example, 785 and 1064 nm), although
the Raman scattering efficiency drops with λ
. The
cross-sections for Raman scattering are generally much
lower than those of IR absorption, and so some mater-
ials with low Raman cross-sections are not amenable
to Raman microanalysis, simply due to lack of signal,
particularly in the microanalysis context. Although the
Raman signal does scale with incident intensity, sample
damage considerations typically limit this quantity. IR
microanalysis often suffers from the opposite problem,
wherein even microscopic samples can absorb sufficient
radiation to lead to saturation effects in the spectra.
Nature of the Sample. The sample preparation re-
quirements for Raman microscopy are quite modest;
the surfaces of most solid materials are easily examined
and some depth profiling is also possible depending on
the material transparency. The Raman spectra of some
materials are dominated by a fluorescent background;
this is the most important sample property limiting the
application of Raman microscopy. Two factors are crit-
ical in sample preparation for IR microscopy: choice
of mounting substrate and sample thickness. For trans-
mission microscopy, the substrate is limited to a set of
materials that are broadly transparent over the IR (such
as CaF
or KBr). In reflection microscopy, the sub-
strate is often a metal film that is uniformly reflective
across the IR region (such as Au or Ag). The issue of
sample thickness is related to the onset of saturation
effects in the spectra. The cross-sections for many IR
absorption transitions are sufficiently large that samples
can absorb nearly all of the resonant incident radia-
tion, leading to spectral artifacts that interfere with both
qualitative and quantitative analysis. For example, poly-
mers as thin as 30 μm can show saturation artifacts in
the C–H stretching bands. Sample preparation methods
such as microtomy and alternative sampling methods
such as μ-AT R can be used to address this problem for
some classes of samples.
Qualitative Analysis. IR and Raman microspectroscopy
are both powerful tools for the qualitative analysis
of microscopic samples. The appearance of particular
bands in the measured vibrational spectra indicate the
presence of specific functional groups, and the chem-
ical structure of the analyte can often be obtained from
an analysis of the entire spectrum. Additionally, large
libraries of IR and Raman spectra of a wide variety of
Part B 4.2