Analytical Chemistry 4.1 Bulk Chemical Characterization 169
a component travels through the GC system (retention
time) depends on factors in addition to volatility, how-
ever. These include the polarity of the compounds, the
polarity of the stationary phase, the column tempera-
ture, and the flow rate of the gas (mobile phase) through
the column. GC-AED and GC/MS provide additional
qualitative information.
Traceable Quantitative Analysis. Regardless of the
detector being used, GC instrumentation must be cali-
brated using solutions containing known concentrations
of the analyte of interest along with internal standards
(surrogates) that have been added at a known concentra-
tion. The internal standards (surrogates) chosen should
be chemically similar to the analytes of interest, and
for many of the GC/MS applications are isotopically la-
beled analogs of one or more of the analytes of interest.
Approximately the same quantity of the internal stan-
dard should be added to all calibration solutions and
unknown samples within an analysis set. Calibration
may be performed by constructing a calibration curve
encompassing the measurement range of the samples or
by calculating a response factor from measurements of
calibration solutions that are very similar in concentra-
tion to or closely bracket the sample concentration for
the analyte of interest. For more detail on quantitative
analysis as it relates to chromatography, see the section
in this chapter on liquid chromatography.
Certified reference materials are available in a wide
variety of sample matrix types from NIST and other
sources. These CRMs should be used to validate the en-
tire GC method, including extraction, analyte isolation
and quantification.
Liquid Chromatography (LC)
Liquid chromatography (LC) is a method for separat-
ing and detecting organic and inorganic compounds in
solution. The technique is broadly applicable to po-
lar, nonpolar, aromatic, aliphatic and ionic compounds
with few restrictions. Instrumentation typically con-
sists of a solvent delivery device (a pump), a sample
introduction device (an injector or autosampler), a chro-
matographic column, and a detector. The flexibility of
the technique results from the availability of chromato-
graphic columns suited to specific separation problems,
and detectors with sensitive and selective responses.
The goal of any liquid chromatographic method is the
separation of compounds of interest from interferences,
in either the chromatographic and/or detection domains,
in order to achieve an instrumental response propor-
tional to the analyte level.
Principles of the Technique. Retention in liquid chro-
matography is a consequence of different associations
of solute molecules in dissimilar phases. In the sim-
plest sense, all chromatographic systems consist of two
phases: a fixed stationary phase and a moving mo-
bile phase. The diffusion of solute molecules between
these phases usually occurs on a time scale much more
rapid than that associated with fluid flow of the mo-
bile phase. Differential association of solute molecules
with the stationary phase retards these species to differ-
ent extents, resulting in separation. Retention processes
depend on a complex set of interactions between solute
molecules, stationary phase ligands and mobile phase
molecules; the characteristics of the column (such as
the physical and chemical properties of the substrate,
the surface modification procedures used to prepare the
stationary phase, the polarity, and so on) also provide
a major influence on retention behavior. Two modes
of operation can be distinguished: reversed-phase li-
quid chromatography (RPLC) and normal-phase LC.
For normal-phase LC, the mobile phase is less polar
than the stationary phase; the opposite situation exists
with RPLC. Column choice is critical when develop-
ing an LC method. Most separations are performed
in the reversed-phase mode with C
ODS) columns. An instrumental response proportional
to the analyte level typically results from spectrometric
detection, although other forms of detection exist. Com-
mon detectors include UV/Vis absorbance, fluorescence
(FL), electrochemical (EC), refractive index (RI), evap-
orative light scattering (ELSD), and mass spectrometric
(MS) detection.
Scope. Liquid chromatography is applicable to com-
pounds that are soluble (or can be made soluble by
derivatization) in a suitable solvent and can be eluted
from a chromatographic column. Accurate quantifica-
tion requires the resolution of constituents of interest
from interferences. Liquid chromatography is often
considered a low-resolution technique, since only about
50–100 compounds can be separated in a single anal-
ysis; however, selective detection can be implemented
to improve the overall resolution of the system. Recent
emphasis is on the use of mass spectrometry for selec-
tive LC detection. In general, liquid chromatographic
techniques are most suited to thermally labile or non-
volatile solutes that are incompatible with gas phase
separation techniques (such as gas chromatography).
Nature of the Sample. Liquid chromatography is rel-
evant to a wide range of sample types, but in all cases
Part B 4.1