Analytical Chemistry 4.1 Bulk Chemical Characterization 151
The fluorescence intensity as a function of wave-
length, or the spectral emissivity, can be calibrated
relatively (calibrated for spectral shape) or absolutely
(calibrated for both shape and absolute intensity). Rela-
tive intensity can be calibrated as a function of emission
or excitation wavelength using a calibrated light source
or a calibrated detector at the sample position, respec-
tively. An absolute calibration is usually done in one of
two ways: either by using a calibrated detector at the
sample position followed by a calibrated reflector at the
sample position, or by using a calibrated light source at
the sample position followed by a calibrated reflector
at the sample position. The absolute calibration yields
a correction factor for intensity as a function of wave-
length that enables the bispectral luminescence radiance
factor (BLRF) of a fluorescent sample to be determined
from its measured fluorescence spectrum. The BLRF is
defined as the ratio of the radiance of the fluorescence
of a sample versus the excitation irradiance incident on
the sample, and is a function of both the excitation and
emission wavelengths. A fluorescence spectrum or in-
tensity that is expressed in BLRFs is termed absolute
because it is not instrument-dependent, only sample-
dependent. Material standards supplied with certified
values for relative intensity, or better still BLRFs, would
greatly simplify the calibration process, enabling non-
experts to calibrate their fluorometers with greater ease
and at less expense. Several national metrology insti-
tutes are developing certified reference materials of this
type, but at present, SRM 936a quinine sulfate dihy-
drate, a relative intensity standard that effectively covers
the emission region from 390 to 590 nm, is the only such
standard that is commercially available.
Raman Spectroscopy
Principles of the Technique. The Raman effect occurs
when a sample is irradiated with intense monochromatic
light, usually from a laser. The resulting inelastically
scattered light is shifted in frequency due to inter-
actions with the vibrational modes of the chemical
sample. Although similar in principle to infrared spec-
troscopy, quantum mechanical selection rules choose
only those vibrational modes that cause the polariz-
ability of the chemical bond to become Raman active.
The effectiveness of the bond toward scattering is di-
rectly dependent upon the polarizability; polarizability
decreases as the electron density increases or the length
of the bond decreases. As a result, symmetric vibra-
tional bond stretches are typically Raman active.
The sample to be measured is illuminated with
a laser and the resulting scattered light measured with
a spectrometer. Raman spectrometers can be either
grating or Fourier transform instruments. Because the
scattering is very inefficient, typically less than one pho-
, very efficient filters are required to separate
the laser scatter from the Raman spectrum. The inven-
tion of holographic notch filters allowed rejection ratios
as great as 10
and enabled the use of optically efficient
spectrometers coupled with high quantum efficiency de-
tectors. The net result is that Raman spectroscopy, once
a strictly academic technique requiring room-filling
instrumentation, is now a real-time, suitcase-portable
analytical technique.
Scope and Nature of the Sample. Raman spectroscopy
is applicable to gases, liquid, and solid samples, and in-
struments accommodating microsamples as well as bulk
chemical samples have been developed. Because the
lasers typically used are visible and diode-based, fiber
optic sampling is becoming more common and this is
facilitating its use in routine qualitative spectroscopy in
nontraditional locations. An example is its use on load-
ing docks at pharmaceutical companies to assure the
identity of incoming materials. Raman spectroscopy is
predominantly a qualitative technique. That is, many ap-
plications capitalize on the unique spectrum that each
compound or class of compounds exhibits. It is suit-
able for the identification of both organic and inorganic
Raman spectroscopy’s strengths are that it is non-
destructive and requires very minimal, if any, sample
preparation. It is also rapid, as the spectra of neat com-
pounds can be acquired in seconds. Water has very weak
Raman scatter. Aqueous samples are measurable using
Raman in contrast to IR spectroscopy, where water is
a major interference. An additional advantage of the
technique (over IR) is that very low wavenumber vibra-
tional modes are easily measured. Typical commercial
analytical systems allow measurement to 150 cm
some as low as 4 cm
. IR, in contrast, is limited to
at best 500 cm
. The low-frequency region provides
detailed information about crystal structure and is be-
coming commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry
for polymorph characterization.
Raman spectroscopy’s weakness is that it is an emis-
sion measurement (single beam), and as a result the
spectra are highly instrument-dependent. The resulting
spectrum is a convolution of the instrument response
(due to laser color, optical geometry, fiber optic sam-
pling, and other factors), the scattering characteristics
of the sample, and the true Raman spectrum of the com-
pound. Because of the complexities of this convolution,
Part B 4.1